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Week 1, Day 1 - 9 January 2011 - The Night before the night after tomorrow

I'm tired. Very tired. So tired that I'm in bed at 9pm writing this when I'm usually on the t'internet and watching TV or DVDs simultaneously until midnight. Its as if I have to always do 2 things at once all the time, sometimes more. Life seems so hectic and rushed and I'm constantly tired and frazzled. Yet I've always known I've needed more sleep. Now I've got "that", I cant go to sleep easily, I don't sleep deep and I wake up just as tired as I was when I lay my head on my pillow a few hours before.

Now 2 things come to mind. One - people who sleep 8 hours or more each night are more likely to be slimmer and/or lose weight more easily than those who don't. So science and magazine articles keep telling me. Therefore I'm going to have to improve the quality and length of my sleeping. Meditation - again? Yoga - again? Hot baths? Or go the whole hog like "LL" and have a blood test to find out my food intolerances. Expensive? Yes! I'm only jealous as she is now sleeping, dreaming and for 10hrs a night at the weekend! But I don't do needles .... and Im not sure I'm ready to limit my food choices at this stage of the game, maybe later.

The second thought - Exercise. The cheaper option - maybe. Again, back to the science and everything I have taken in from the reading material over the last few years. Read it yes, put into practice, never. Anyway, apparently those who exercise regularly sleep better AND have more energy during the day, i.e they don't feel tired and frazzled. I'm going to have to get some of that exercising lark for myself. It might be the answer to my frazzeldness and insomnia.

Good job boot camp starts tomorrow then isn't it!? On my doorstep. 7.30pm. No excuses as I can try to make sure work wont keep me later than 7pm too often. Actually, make that 6.30pm - I don't want to be late and given a military punishment. I've got the new Aasic trainers (check), sport socks (check), comfy 3/4 joggers (check x 3), Big baggy T-shirt (checkety-check). I've even got new sweat bands, head bands, wrist bands - check check check! I just hope those boot camp T-shirts are big and long enough to fit me!

Right I'm off to read before I attempt snooze land. A little bit of Michael McIntyre will distract me from worrying about my performance tomorrow evening.

Night night Day 1 x

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