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27 March - Alive and Present

Just back from another gym session with Zaid and saw LL - she gets more excited about my weight loss and changing body shape than I do, love you LL for that :). Tonight I wore a tshirt I havent worn before, I felt it was a bit small, LL says its OK, I trust her feedback. I flashed her toe loose flabby flesh on my bellies and she said it wasnt too bad, I said it would take a lot of courage to wear a bikini on Saturday - I still trust you LL< but let me see how I feel on Saturday morning!

Ive had a weird week really. Many thoughts, far too many to be honest, a million ideas floating around my head, some forgotten some already sorted. Sorted is my deposit payment for the Juice Therapy course in June. Life changing for me personally, my close friends and family will benefit, then I need to complete a few more courses and exams and I could then use the knowledge I have learned to help others.

Although Im already helping others, Ive been told many times how I have inspired people - friends and friends of friends, its nice to know that this blog has helped you all, one of the nice consequences of my regular online detoxing. Soon I will start charging ha ha! One of my friends started juicing on Sunday and this morning she had already lost 2.7kgs. Another friend started juicing today (AND she has the new Philips Avanche juicer like me, go girl!!). Im rooting for all my girls who are STILL doing the OFC Wonderwoman 2 times a week, Im glad we are all inspiring each other and youre doing amazing! MrsEC, Ive got my eye on you, and Im stalking you every step (as is LL during office hours!). Keep going, keep up the exercise, stay focused, just do your best and keep your sights on that end goal. MsA who is on week 2 has done AMAZING, and Ive loved the updates and mutual motivations - thank you for giving me credit for your inspiration, I did not realise I was that influential to someone as strong and determined as you).

My end goal is in sight (in fact in A4 size red numbers - 75 on my door and on my phone for some subconscious focus), its weird to think that Ive lost over 25kgs since January 2011 and I think I need to lift that weight in the gym at some point to feel what I used to carry. I have no understanding of what that is. Zaid, another task for you for the weekend? I DID have a very bizarre thought this week, that now my 75kgs is so close, it feels easy. This week feels easy, keeping up the exercise is easy (Thursday is my only day off this week and Im watching Hungry for Change at a friends together instead of going drinking ....... Ive got a weighin every Friday now for 6 weeks!!). At the same time, Im throwing away clothes to the charity bin on a daily basis, so much so, that Ive got the smallest wardrobe and working wardrobe EVER! Additionally, today I wore a very larg black short to work, I wore a belt over it. ME! A BELT? Jeeezuzzz. Even more amusing, I didnt wear one of my "safety" vest tops underneath, I decided I didnt need it today. The skirt I was wearing Ive only worn 3 times over 3 weeks, and as of next week, I know in my heart its heading to the charity bin. I love that Monsoon skirt. As Im typing this, I also know the other Monsoon skirt I got at the same time will also be too big, that was a more generous fit ... sigh!

Ive still got a bag of 10 selected dresses and 3 jackets to be taken in by the tailors, just trying to find the time to go to get fitted for them in between my busy schedule. It still amazes where I suddenly found all this spare time to do so much.

Last night I went to the OFC Yogi Fit, took a lovely young friend from work to get her motivated and on her way while she is still 23yrs old! That was my 3rd session and really enjoyed it despite still some significant issues with the right leg, especially where the injection hit ... Anyway, after the session, and a trip to Spinneys for the bulky shopping, and 5 trips back and forth from the car bringing it in, then unpacking and doing some washing, I was literally bouncing off the walls. I thought that at 10pm I would feel a bit tired, hell no, last night I was feeling more alive than I have ever been. There was only one thing for it (only cos I couldnt do a tandem SkyDive .... I did crave it last night, I will be honest - can you imagine, a night skydive ......... sigh sigh!) .... Nordic walk!

Off I went, Yanni playing gently on my ickle ipod shuffle (one ear for safety, it was dark!), poles in hand, and odd I stomped. And it was more of a stomp, I had a plan to gradually stomp this alien takeover of energy that was in my system, I did get some looks - yes you can feel them in the dark from inside the cars that drove past and some even slowed down. I kept my head down and my mouth shut, ooh something new there then! LL had suggested to think if nice calm things as I walked, so I tried and my thoughts moved to the usual over analysis that fills my brain 24/6.5 - not 24/7 (minus half a day for the recent Friday brunches that have filled my head void of much thoughts apart from mmmm thats a lovely cocktail yuck thats a nasty cherry, ooops I think I need to go home now .....). I actually came to a conclusion quite quickly, another first! I just felt alive, I felt good, I felt easily positive, I felt content for today... in fact,  was present! Here, now, alive, doing it, living it. Present. Meditation has been teaching me how to be present when meditating, something I have neglected the last week since class NO 3, as Ive hid my lovely meditation chair in the wardrobe so the kitties dont destroy it or cover it in fur - hidden therefore I dont see therefore I dont do.

So in advance of my final mediation class No 4 with the lovely Helen Williams from Lifeworks, Im off to meditate and practice ahead of tomorrow. It doesnt matter how long I do this as its bedtime and Im not sleeping these days til after 1am at the earliest. Any meditation is a bonus, sleep will come easy after this.

On a final note, I used my new connection to my present self and developing spirituality (I never said that before, how many firsts can I achieve this week .....), something that I am comfortable with and contributes to how I feel at the moment, to find my "lost" earphones last night. After looking around the apartment in the only places they cold be, I sat on my bed, said to my 3rd eye, come on then leets see if you can bloody work and find my earphones, 2 deep breaths and I stood up and walked to my middle wardrobe where I had looked twice in the preceding 5 minutes .. and my eyes were drawn directly without hesitation to the earphones. Thank you 3rd eye, thank you me for being present.

I will finish this waffle, fuss and nonsense for this evening, quickly before I start sounding like an old hippy fart like my dad - Hiya Pops :) - and bow to you all (especially my get fit and juicing it girls) that you are all present in yourselves, for today, not for the past, not dreaming and living in the future - Just here and now present.

Namaste *

The gesture Namaste represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra. The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another. "Nama" means bow, "as" means I, and "te" means you. Therefore, Namaste literally means "bow me you" or "I bow to you."

24 March - The Perfect 10

10kgs to go til I reach my ultimate target.

Originally I was to be 80kgs by my 40th birthday and 7kgs5 by August for LLs birthday .. but at some point, I re-evaluated my goals and realised it was possible to reach 75kgs by my birthday.

6 weeks to go - Im at 85kgs exactly on Zaids scales, % fat is reducing and muscle is increasing, all good news.

For next Friday I need to be min 83kgs and continue with a 2kg loss for the remainder of the 6 weeks .... I will get there, but if anyone has any magical tips, advice, encouragement or motivation please let me know, these 6 weeks are going to be the hardest yet but also the most motivational.

Going back to when I was at the Juicemaster Retreat last October, introducing myself, I talked about never having goals in life before and probably not achieving very much. This is the most important goal and achievement of my life, I just cant focus on the fact that I wish I had done this years ago, I have to focus on what Kate told us - you spend the 1st and last 5 years of your life dribbling so youve got 80 years to enjoy your life - Ive worked out I have the latter half of my 80 years to rock this planet in style. And thats exactly what I plan to do.

Im now focussing and planning on the following :

  1. Continuing my personal training with Zaid even after I reach my goal
  2. Continuing 1 x week yogi fit and 1 x week wonder woman bootcamp (not that Ive sampled that one yet!)
  3. Make and drink juices - my new habit, my new life, the new me - the new career?
  4. Being happy and enjoying life
  5. Remembering the past to help me stay focused, but leaving it in the pat
  6. See my psychologist again, I need all the help I can get to stay on track
  7. Meditate daily 
  8. Learn to sleep min 8 hours per night (at least more than 5 -6 hours!)
I have a lot to look forward to - not limited to :
  • Nieces 4th birthday - quick long weekend back home with family
  • Holiday in Thailand for my birthday with my good friends
  • Getting some tattoos :)
  • Moving to a new apartment closer to the beach and my new outdoor life (paddle boarding, kayaking, nordic walking, running ...... oooh the list is endless)
  • Training as a Juice Therapist with Juicemaster.com in June - I would be the 1st in the Middle East and I plan to use this for a new career
So, til next time when I will update more gossip and some actual goings on and possibly some amusing experiences, Im off to buy my s14 jeans from gap, I think its time they hung ready and waiting in my wardrobe for my holiday in April to the UK :).

Have a great week and stay with me over the next 6 weeks, I need your support and encouragement and just knowing Im not struggling alone will help me so much xxxx

PS Gym Buddies

I had to share this with you ... Ive been receiving more and more emails and requests for help from friends, friends of friends and anonymous strangers, all very exciting. Occasionally I receive some true gems, and sometimes very amusing .....

I have a good friend, who lives overseas (from Dubai that is ...) who emailed me over the weekend - he had been reading my blog and identified with some of my embarrassing moves in the gym. He is very funny, motivated and has gone through a massive change to his lifestyle and health and fitness and is looking seriously buff these days! I hope you dont mind that I anonymously share some of your words, as you lightened up my day when I read this and I know many more people will identify with your gym experiences :

"Had to chuckle at your blog as I'm sure I look a right twat doing some of the things my trainer makes me do. I was doing 'the bazooka' yesterday with a large rubber drainpipe thing lunging and hoisting this thing onto my shoulder, firing skuds into the neighbouring office building... Then, oh so versatile, shimmy side step, side step (ok I shimmy in my head) and swoosh it's now a jolly hockey stick!! I wouldn't mind so much if this area is tucked away in the corner of the gym but oh no, right there in the middle on the walk to the changing rooms.. With the slap, slap, bam! Of the boxing I might as well set up a popcorn stand nearby for free entertainment... I just keep thinking that he knows what he's doing."

Thanks Mr-You-Know-Who-You-Are, youre such an inspiration and eternal thanks for all your encouragement, advice and funny emails sharing your experiences. Looking back to 9 years ago when we first me, me fresh of the boat from the Maldives and you a true Dubai expat, look how things have changed -who would ever imagine we had health and fitness in common?! Loving it xx

19 March - Time after Time

Before I commenced this health and fitness regime, I ever had any time for much, time was precious and rare and always by passed me or slipped through my fingers.

Looking back to my first few bootcamp sessions with OFC last January 2011, THE hardest part was making the time. I was lucky, I had LL committed to attending the 3 sessions a week with me, to jump start my new habit. Everything in my life had to go on hold until I lost this weight and achieve my goals, and change my habits for life. I sacrificed and gave things up (erm ... take aways and lazy nights on the sofa doing nothing top the list) but I still struggled and didnt really like what I was doing.

Fast forward to March 2012 - Im happy to report things have changed dramatically, some habits will take longer to change, however, the exercise is now a habit and a routine. When I miss a session with Zaid, I feel a little disorientated and my thoughts drift off to what I feel I SHOULD have been doing instead (except last Saturday when I was suffering major Irish Ball hangover, I forgot all about Zaid and gym and fitness ...) and now I like the fact that the rest of my life fits around my exercise plan. Ive upped the exercise schedule for the rest of March and April and my schedule currently looks like this (April changes are in brackets!) :

Sun eve - 1hr PT with Zaid, usually cardio!
Mon eve - 1hr Yogi Fit with Gillian from OFC at Mirdif Park
Tues eve - 1hr PT with Zaid
Weds eve - Meditation Class (OFC Wonder Woman at Safa Park with the girls)
Thurs eve - OFC Wonder Woman at Mirdif Park
Fri morning - 1hr PT with Zaid usually boxing
Sat morning - 1hr PTw with Zaid

I felt I had to write that down for myself. I usually do 4hrs with Zaid but adding up the above thats going to be 7hrs of exercise each week, 1hr every day, and thats not even including the nordic walking, walking round the malls, carrying bags from the car ... ha ha!

The difference now is I have the time, suddenly Ive got several hours a week free to fit in all this exercise, and I do kind of enjoy it - hey, its not easy, or pain free and it can be uncomfortable and frustrating and very tiring at times, but Im now doing it! Im doing more than just rocking up now. Where did all this time come from? Where has it been hiding? What did I do before ....? You know, I really cant remember, its all very hazy - perhaps its hazy due to all the nasty processed foods and sugars, carb overdoses .... and Ive just also realised I havent had many food blackouts recently, in fact I have stopped thinking about them. They are still there, but just very rare.

The only sugars Im getting this week is from natures own, and the only processing going is in in my new juicer. Love my new tool of the trade and Im very much looking forward to becoming a professional and qualified Juice Therapist. Roll on June 2012 - Universe, please keep 1 space available for me until tomorrow :) until my deposit is paid.

Im on a mission, a juicing mission, a 5kg loss s week thimission (ambitious - perhaps, achievable - absolutely), a fitness mission, Ive got a red and white polka dot bikini to wear in 7 weeks - and yes the s14 is washed and ready for the Bangkok trip. Just not sure about the loose skin (as seen on the SkyDive No 4 video and pics), thats a whole new fitness regime!

The habit Im still to work on is to ensure some of my spare awake time is shared with my sleeping time .... all this spare time, leading to more exercise is resulting in less need to sleep and feeling less tired. Im not complaining, really, I just know that my body needs more sleep and rest to repair my poor muscles on a daily basis. Ah, thats why Im doing meditation - class No 3 on Wednesday.

Its all coming together, hello 40th birthday....suddenly youre looking quite pretty, and time and age is on my side now!

If you're lost you can look
And you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you

I'll be waiting
Time after time

Gene Genie



However, Im loving this comment at the bottom :

"Okay, let's say it IS a mutant gene. Something then has mutated it and what is it? Could it be fat and sugar, soda and a sedentary lifestyle? That is the only way I will give credit to a gene for contributing to all this obesity because without the fuel, it wouldn't mutate. Scientists need to prove that obese people had that faulty gene before they got obese but no, they wouldn't be able to do that. Our ancestors didn't pass down these genes, it's not hereditary, they weren't fat, it's today's lifestyles and unhealthy diets. Scientists want to prove it's a gene so that they can justify a drug, when all people have to do is stop eating what we know to be addictive rubbish."

How I wish I had read these articles many years ago. I was today talking to a 23 year old wok colleague, and Ive been talking about health and juicing and nutrition with her for a while, as she wants to lose weight. My words to her were more or less - if you can learn what Ive learnt in the last 15mths at your age, you are 17 years ahead of me, and just think of the fabulous longer life you will have ahead of you!

However, its not too late and life CAN and DOES begin at 40 ... or 23, or just whenever you ready, you choose to and you go for it!