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19 September - Men!! dont get me started ....!


Ok, so I agree in PRINCIPLE with this "Phil Harte" (we certainly wont be bumping into each other OR ever become friends, and I speak for many Im sure ...), however, Id like to hear what a male single parent has to say! Him and Darren King seem to forget that as men, they have more freedom to do what they like (yes we stilll live in the dark ages ladies, even moreso in Dubai, but dont get me started on the western guys that hit Dubai and become testosterone fuelled chauvinistic a##es!). Mr Harte may possibly be on of them ...Men dont have the same responsibilities as women, I have a friend whose husband is great, however he can still up and leave whenever he wants or needs - she cant, she is many things but mostly a feeding machine!

I digress ...

So, back to my point. I have no excuses really - I dont have children (one day maybe but when I mature!), I have 4 cats (they are self sufficient and independent), I do work (and my career has come first all my working life, however is changing with my fab new company, not perfect but a work life balance is do-able), and I do spend a lot of my time for my friends, something I dont regret. On the up side, I am making more time for me, and more time for exercise. In fact my new weekly schedule is shaping up nicely - Mon walking with work mates from 2 wks time, Tues eve gym, Weds eve tap dancing from this week, Thurs yoga from next week (got a dinner this week errrrm.....), Fri am gym, Sat am aqua aerobics (if I can get in!) and gym, and Im trying to see where I can fit in a pilates class and a Zumba class once the ankle improves further.

I digress again ...

I DO know friends and women who are not only individuals, but also a wife, a mother (several children though one is a full time, tiring and thankless task sometimes), have a career, do all the shopping, pay all the bills, cook and clean, make cakes (whats with all the banana cakes, got to love them...) and god forbid they try and find some time for themselves for training and getting fit. These men need to get a grip on the real world, and in my very personal opinion, have not done themselves any favours in the popularity stakes!

Phil Harte, I think youre pathetic and youve got a lot to learn about motivating people ...... !

In the meantime, Im avoiding as many brunches, lunches, all inclusive dinners as much as I can, but there are occassions they cant be avoided. Im still learning how to enjoy them yet not over eat - I try to avoid the carbs - and that includes my beloved bread basket! I try to eat more salads and veggies, and having olive oil and balsamic instead of those salad dressings, I focus on the protein (fish and chicken mostly but occassional beef) and drink lots of water. Im currently off the alcohol, though I will make one exception before my weeks retreat in Turkey, even when I return Ive committed nyself to staying off for a further 10 days. In November, if I wish or the occassion requires it, I may indulge in a glass of bubbly or 3 (best low carb beverage though XXXX Summer bright beer is also low carbs ...).

Thats me vented for the today, Im off to google Mr Harte so I can cross the street when I see him ...... ; )

To finish, this is my fave brunch location - Al Qasr Hotel - but only when the weather is cooler!

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