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30 January - Im only human ...

OK so life isnt perfect. Tell me something I didnt know!

I havent had a good day in terms of health and fitness. Just goes to prove this is real and isn't made up!

Yesterday I didn't get prepared enough, I didn't do my big shop, only some bits from the Organic Shop. I presumed I could get a salad from the restaurant near my office - I was wrong. By the time I had time for lunch (after 3pm) there was hardly any food left. No salads, No brown bread. I settled for a small whitebread cheese salad sandwich. I know - white bread, but what else was I to do. I had nowhere to order from that would deliver to the middle of the desert where I work.

I did manage to have my breakfast of fruit, followed by nuts and grapes mid morning and late afternoon. I didnt drink enough water, not even a litre of water was consumed. I thought I could make up for it this evening. Again, I was wrong! I headed home to do my weekly run .....

I arrived home some time after 6pm, my sick kitty who is now recovering came to say Hi to me, the first time in weeks/months she has woken up and got off her favourite sleeping corner. She jumped up on the sofa beside me as I switched on the TV for news on Egypt. She curled up beside me, so I curled up next to her for a little while, still in my work clothes. Sent a few sms's, replied to some work emails, curled up some more with her. Next thing, I wake up, all snuggly warm, with 4 purring kitties cuddling me. Sounds lovely and relaxing until I realised it was 10pm!! Huge oops, now Im in trouble. Ive got stiff legs from lying in a weird position on the sofa, instead of stiff legs from running. And I hadnt even switched the TV on fully, no sound only picture!

Im not feeling too positive. Now Ive added up the food-oops and the running-oops, but tomorrow is only a few hours away. The old me would give up, sod the diet, sod the fitness and get back to my old ways. I now need to focus on changing that attitude and tomorrow make sure I have my healthy food and snacks prepared by my side and I drink lots of water. If I wake early I will at least walk around my home before work, but regardless of my few hours sleep this evening, its not likely I will be awake and ready for that in the morning. Im not a morning person, there are 2 different types of people - people like me and people who like early mornings!

Instead Im going to have to pull out all my energy for tomorrow evenings OFC Boot camp, and really push myself. Perhaps I can do a run and the level 2 30 Day Shred on Tuesday evening too. Then I do have 2 more OFC Boot camps Weds and Thurs and then there is the weekend to get sorted and into a routine.

This is hard, its easy to just give up and return to familiar comforting habits .... but I cant give up. Ive seen great results in 3 weeks, I have to focus on achieving the same in the next 3 weeks. I need to, I cant stop now.

LL dont worry, my punishment is a swollen left ankle - combination of alcohol last Friday and white bread today - I think its more the white bread so will be interesting when I get round to doing my food allergy blood test. Yuck needles. If I do this test and find out what Im allergic to it will be a good thing. I may as well do this now as Im changing my diet so drastically already, whats another level of change!!

And LL, remember this is hard, remember we are not all like you (still think you are an alien sometimes ....), we don't all think and behave the same and we all don't get motivated the same way. Thats why we are all different and you need to be tolerant with me for today........Ta muchly! You knew this would be a challenge, so did I. But Im still hanging in here.

Farewell Sod-it Sunday, Hello Marvelous Monday!

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