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7 March - I only have 1 body

Im tired, so tired again, this is a familiar feeling, Bizarrely feeling off the last 2 days was how I used to feel, and this was something I got used to. Its not until I thought about it that I now felt different (well before the food poisoning). I recalled being on holiday in years gone by eating and enjoying the garlic bread, fries, always eating lots of bread before dinner, youve got the picture. I then recalled always feeling as I did late Saturday afternoon, when I didnt feel good, bloated, a bit nauseous, a bit pasty. That was how I used to feel on a regular basis.

Im reminded of something I dont want anymore, I want to feel good and full of energy. Like I do when I eat healthy and do boot camp regularly, with some of my own jogging thrown in for good measure.

I had a lot of time for thinking today. I even decided to resign tomorrow at my 6 month appraisal meeting. Then I decided not to. All I know is something else has to change to make all the positives out weigh the negatives. Im instead offering a different tact, taking a huge risk on my career. But life is about taking risks isnt it. Just not risks on your health and life. I can get another job if I need to, even if it means leaving this country and moving to another, there is always another job another opportunity. I only have 1 body, so I need to look after it more.

I havent done this the last few days and look what happened - poor BFA performance, food poisoning. Maybe if I had looked after myself better I may not have got sick. Who knows, but its definitely a theory.

Tomorrows another day, its also Tuesday which means I have my weekly check in with Andrew. No matter what the scales say, I deserve it. I didnt follow the diet plan and I didnt look after my body or health. The day after is the start of another week, where I can make a difference.

I saw some photos of me from the weekend today - most still disgust me (when will that change?), but there was one from the back which I didnt mind, its not great but Ive let my mate keep it on as it shows how much my shape has changed 2 months, this reminded me of the positive progress I have made already.

I will be telling myself to keep it up, turn it up a notch, reach my birthday goal, there is only one way and that way is forward. New me, new mind, new body, new wardrobe, new outlook, new job!? Who knows what the future holds, but I only have a future if I look after me and my body. We all need to.

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