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21 February - I dont like Mondays

Tell me why
I don’t like Mondays
Tell me why
I don’t like Mondays
Tell me why
I don’t like Mondays
I wanna shoo-oo-oo-ooo-woo-oot
The whole day down, down, down, shoot it all down

A great song I was brought up with, I still remember understanding the lyrics, then when youre all grown up, it all makes much more sense. Mondays ... they usually dont bother me but today they did!

Work, what can I say. Something has just got to give, and I cant afford it to be my health or my sanity. Had a bad day but someone eventually listened and took note of the issues and what Ive had to deal and cope with for the last 5 months. A little torch light at the end of the tunnel has been lit, lets see if I can reach it to switch it on to full beam soon.

By the time I left work, I was late. I was thinking of all the excuses to not go to boot camp tonight, what excuse cold I come up with. What a waste of time. Its not school, I choose to go or not to go, I choose to move my ass or sit on it and watch catch up Holby City. I was only going to be excusing myself, noone else is going to benefit or not from my decision. I dont have any idea how I actually persuaded myself to go, I just went through the motions of getting ready. I cant remember what I said to myself to do it, I wish I could remember so I could bottle that thought of write it down for the many next times this feeling of complete frustration and sadness comes over me. 

I didnt do my best, I felt my legs expanding as if they were going to burst when we did the running around the park. However, THANK YOU COREY  from OFC! Music AND boxing. Loved it, want more of it. Im glad I showed up. My concentration levels were not there, my commitment to making bigger efforts was lost somewhere at the office, but I "rocked up". I got past one of my brick walls and previous failings. By the time I got home, I had an emotional call with LL, and she is my rock! I know she is right, I tell other people the same words all the time. Work is not worth it, the reasons for all this negativity is a waste of my energy, and I am worth so much more. 

Ive been off focus for the last 2 weeks - Im stuck in similar place as I have had on many occassions before, on the brink of getting past a very mentally progressive number on the scales. I need t push myself to get over that bump, and after that I know I can sail it. I have no idea why I have this mental block and I always get stuck at this weight and number. I need to tell myself I can get past it, I can break the old habits of a lifetime.

So THANK YOU ANDREW Dietician - he sent me my personalised diet plan for the week, and it looks great. I just need to get that first appointment of the 8 week course in my diary, scheduled and agreed and take the next steps. My new life is a jigsaw puzzle with many pieces. It really looks like a 1 year old jigsaw but Im getting back to basics, why complicate things. Boot camp with OFC is one of the big pieces of the puzzle as this is also encouraging me to run on spare days. Im trying to run on a Friday morning and at least once in the week - most likely an evening, non boot camp day. The 2nd piece of the jigsaw puzzle is the diet - and not making up myself getting the professional advice, guidance and support I need to take this new life to the next level.

There are 2 more pieces to the puzzle - one is sorting my head out so I am able to break the old habits even further, and the last is improving my appearance - yes Botox, tummy tucks and any other plastic surgery I so wish to complete is the last piece of the jigsaw, when I reach my goal weight. Perhaps Ive lived too long in Dubai, but I also feel like I want to go back to all the years I have lost. All the years in my 20s and 30s when I cold party like I was that age, the times I  never had the energy, confidence, clothes that were fashionable enough or liked myself. Fat girls cant dance well and just look ridiculous. Im not generalizing there, Im talking about myself and what Ive seen many times over the years. I would be honest and say there has only been 1 night in my whole 8 years of my partying (not too much in recent years) when I was out clubbing, with friends and felt good enough, confident and pretty enough, and wearing the right clothes to be accepted into the "dancing" arena. That night was a success on many levels, so this feeling of liking myself is the image and focus t get me through the next few days and weeks.

And tomorrow is another day. Goodbye Monday, you can stick it where the sun doesnt shine  ; )

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