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20 July - Important Appointment No 2

So, I was back to see my 3rd piece of the triangle, my newly found counsellor/psychologist. I was apprehensive as I didnt know what to expect. I had been filling in my food diary, and had started today to write it up on the computer, which was easier. I was also then able to add in the structure I had learnt with Andy. Walking in, I was overcome with emotion yet again, but not as bad as last weeks first session. I think the emotions have been there for a long time, but they have been hiding behind the "face" Ive worn for so long. I wouldnt say its a relief to have removed this face, but it feels like progress in itself that I have found the courage to take it off; although I know it will reappear a few times before it will finally leave me for good, its nice to get some air about myself!

I like this lady, she makes sense and I want to listen to her, I want this mess to go away so I can start living my life. After this session I realised I already had started living my life, just by being honest and open and deciding as an adult person that enough was enough. Im no longer a child, I dont want to be ruled by old bad habits or my subconscious. Enough already! Time to grow up at long last.

I was given a book to borrow, one I will be buying myself from Amazon (as long as the packaging is discreet!!). Looking at the cover its 100% applicable to me, Im liking this lady more and more. I feel she gets me. Im beginning to realise Im not as odd and unique as I thought I was. In fact Im preferring being a bit text book, that means there is a solution for life. For me.

Now I need to sleep, I feel exhausted ..............

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