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12 July -" Aaaahhh not so bad"

Answers on a postcard if you know the name of the Sheffield filmed movie that quote is taken from.

Tuesday. D Day. Andy. Ziad cancelled. Wasnt so bad, even after tea and cakes with MissA before the weigh in. 1kg gained in 3 weeks and 3 weeks of slippery sliding back to my old ways and more. Whatever I was doing before (the positive stuff with Andy) has obviously been of a help, maybe something to do with the metabolism, maybe to do with my system knowing its getting regular nutrition - at least during daylight hours!!

The only negative of the day was I pulled my back out. Again. I needed painkillers. AED200 later I had my Neurontin and Panadol Extra. Wasnt going to be long til my back wasnt so painful. What an idiot I was, I sat on my office chair, leant forward to the floor and plugged in my laptop. Stupid stupid stupid. Its so easy to be careful and NOT bend forward when there is no pain. Anyway, Im stocked up again on the meds that work, not that I had shortage supply, only they were at home.

1hr later I was flying high chit chatting with the buzzing birds. I also forgot how they make me feel a bit crazy, only last time I was alone at home taking the meds. This time I was with 4 other people and I dont think I shut up. More than usual...

But I didnt care, a 1kg gain over 3 weeks is something I can live with and deal with. Roll on next week, a bonus as its one of the ladies last week before her holidays and she has a target to achieve. Me, Ive been given a new target by LL, 92kgs by 19 August. Oh, go on, OK then!

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