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11 July - D Day tomorrow

D meaning - dreaded day, diet-weigh-in-day, detox (to restart) day, dumb-ass-I-have-been-the-last-3-weeks day!

3 weeks since the last weigh in which saw me drop udner 100kgs, somehow the last 3 weeks seems a long time ago. Ive reverted back to several (not all) of my old bad habits. Not drinking enough water. "Treating" myself to food as a reward, drinking more alcohol, 2 all inclusive buffets and just being stupid. Takeaways alone at home, not good!

BUT Im not giving up, I was thinking about avoiding the weighin, but that only delays the inevitable. I need to see the scales and hear the number read out to kick my ass back into shape. I need to be angry with myself for going back over the 100 again. But it will only be a temporary set back.

Straight after I am heading for a PT session with Zaid, and I need to in him down, sit on him if I have to, to get the dates in his diary for July. If I know the dates and times I will feel better, I cant go from day to day, week to week not having plans in place, otherwise this makes me even less disiplined and uinfocused and therefore encourages me to move back towards the old me, and I didnt like her.

Today I entered the Zumba and Yoga classes at FF into my diary, so every day I can see a class and encourage me to attend. Or to go and use the gym even, that might be an idea! I need to get back into meeting friends at the gym or for walking as I do better when Im not alone. In fact its against H&S rules for me to be alone at the moment. 3 words - Loss Of Control. I need to get some...

Still, I have Thursday evenings appointment to look forward, the final jigsaw piece. And the new job is going well and I can now see a way to get back to my old preparing and eating, but still socialising with the peeps at work, they are amusing, but I cant do takeaway lunch every day!

Im off to be to read "Positive Shrinking" - everythings worth trying once, twice if I like it! Shame Mr Laye is in the UK! But if you want to buy it ..... http://www.amazon.co.uk/Positive-Shrinking-Change-Relationship-Forever/dp/1848501862

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