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4 February - Free-Will-eh?

It was a lovely sunny morning in Dubai; my alarm was set for 8am on a Friday. Yes you read correctly. I am very proud to say I set my alarm so I could fit in a run around my local community (same as last Friday) as I knew I as heading out for another Friday lunch. I also knew I had to keep my metabolism speeding up to ensure that whatever I choose today at lunch was going to be ravished as quickly as possible and not sit in my belly for the next 24hrs - OK, so red meat was out already!

And I ran. NONSTOP. Yes, I ran and didnt stop to rest my legs or catch my breath. I kept a steady, not too fast pace, and was determined to keep going til I reached home again. Corey had said something last night about having the strength to do a run or the plank/bridge (and Im presuming all exercise) was all in the mind. LL had suggested I use running as a de-stress, calming of my mind kind of relaxing (?!) time to gather my thoughts and focus on positive things. So I tried, I kept telling myself over and over again it was all in my mind, my legs were NOT tired or aching, I CAN do this without stopping, I WILL beat my time of last week and I MUST do my best. As I reached 6mins+ I saw another runner coming in the opposite direction, I suddenly realised I had something in common with him. I used to look at runners as if they were not of this planet and I cold no way relate to why and how they were running instead of sitting at a drunken brunch! I was now one of them, even if only in a trainee alien state. I was elated when we made eye contact and we said "morning" to each other. I smiled and forgot about the heavy legs and heavy breathing for a while. Then I realised I was on the homeward straight. I was 2 thirds of my way round. I then saw 2 people wandering around, and I didnt feel embarassed to be running past them as I had before. I was always before embarrassed to me seen attempting to run and then being seen to stop and struggle a few steps ahead. I could feel myself able to keep going past them. I came across a junction and a car was heading my way, I hesitated for less than a few seconds and he stopped and let me continue. Now I had respect to be able to stop the cars. Funny. Who am I?

I could see the last corner ahead, and I even pushed my legs to go just a little bit faster. It wasnt a sprint by any means and I picked up the pace. I had already seen on the stopwatch a few mins before I was at 16mins so I knew I could beat last weeks time. I did. NONSTOP. 17mins 42s! I stopped, got to my apartment, sat on the bed and poured with sweat. The lovely morning wind had kept me cool outside and now I stopped, I needed to perspire quietly in the safety of my own apartment. I guzzled some water, jumped in the shower, ate a banana and then I was ready. Early. Now those who know me, Im rarely on time never mind early, but this is something Ive been working to improve for about 18months now, with the positive influence of MrB.

What to do with my time? Shopping Mall here I come. I got 2 dresses another size smaller each for AED50. One was a Julian McDonald dress I had seen about 2 years ago and never dreamed of ever fitting into it. Now its hanging in my wardrobe, hopefully for my birthday weekend in May! The other is one for Bar 44 so I can be less Man in Drag and more beauty queen : ). Then onto another mall to plan more shopping for later in the weekend. lots of pre-lunch walking, feeling more positive again.

At my friends lovely 30th Birthday lunch I decided to take the brunch option - MORE cafe is on of THE best places to eat in the UAE (http://www.morecafe.biz/), and I have never tried the Friday brunch. By the time it came to order I had changed my mind for my fave spinach salad with feta cheese and roasted pumpkin. Thats more like it. And OMG I have a fave food thats one of the healthiest on the menu. Marvelousness.

The rest of the afternoon was spent shopping in the other mall. More walking, a little bit of shopping (anyone know where I can get some girlie looking roller skates from???) and then home. I was supposed to clean and iron and chill at home, but I had a better offer. Movies - The Green Hornet. Thanks MrB to my domestic rescue. Now the next challenge. I had already reduced my large to medium to small sweet caramel popcorn WITH the large sprite no ice and Malteser bags to just the small sweet caramel popcorn (over recent months). Now I had Corey and LL in my head - sugar makes you fat! Sugar is bad! I didnt have any dinner so I was weighing up all my options. Chocs - NO. Crisps - a def NO. OK water and nachos with salsa was the healthiest option at the cinema, and with jalapenos to give a good spicy kick. I was happy, I had survived a movie without the sugar! Whoop whoop : )).

Another day of survival out in the big wide world and Ive still got Saturday to enjoy! Ive used free will to run this morning, freewill to avoid the carb overdose they call the MORE cafe brunch, and Ive used freewill to choose the best (not entirely healthy) option at the cinema. Freewill and choice for healthy options is a new world to me.

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