Now what words come to your mind when you see the letters BFA?
My first inspirational thought is Big Fat Ass (although according to LL thats not an issue I need to worry about - its just the middle front issues).
The next thought moves me away from BFA to BFG - The Big Friendly Giant. We've all at least heard of this childs book and most likely read it at some point. I like to consider myself a bit of a BFG, though Im inclined to look more like MID - Man In Drag and less BFG when I try to be the big-friendly-glam-queen-giant when Im out and about! But enough of my Bangkok drag-queen-dress-up dreams ...
BFA. It stands for Basic Fitness Assessment (have I got that right?). And we had our first BFA tonight. We were pre-warned by Ziad yesterday, but that just brought on anxious panic attacks (ok slight exaggeration there), and we were a little apprehensive when we arrived at the park. Another new face, and some new faces. I wonder if they will come back again next week?
Corey was a little late, Im still guessing 5 mins, but thankfully we didnt inherit his late punishments. Into the park we went, and Corey explained the next hour (or less) ahead of us.
First was a timed 1 mile run - until yesterday I had no perception of what 1 mile was, Im a convert into kms but then I only have an idea of approx 3.5kms from previously attempting to run around Safa Park and not doing a good job about it. used to take me over 30 mins! And the rest. So here I was, huddled at the back of the pack, and off we went for the 4 times around the park. The first round went by in 2 mins 36s, which was not bad considering my last running effort in the park, and I was trying to pace myself. I shuffled around the 2nd time. Into the 3rd time I stopped briefly 2 times to try and catch my breath by which point I was getting annoyed at myself as I can run better than this - not great you understand, but I did it last week around where I live. The 4th time looked more like a Monty Python funny walk sketch. It was tough, my legs were heavy and I felt I had just run 8 times already! But I did it - in 11mins 42 s (We think, I didnt realise we had to remember the time, I was barely remembering to breathe by the time I finished). Thanks for the encouragement co-bootcampes, it helped a lot. Though I do still get frustrated with myself for finishing last all the time. I know I know, its not a competition, but it would be a nice change to maybe be 2nd last next time!!
Next up were the 1min assessments - how many sit ups we could do in 1 mins, how many pushups (proper ones not the girly ones), how many squats (stick my bum out and right down!!), and how long to hold the plank/bridge. We were partnered up so that the other person who could hold our ankles still (sit ups only!!) and also they counted so we could apparently concentrate on doing the task and breathing. I forgot to breathe a few times and there were at least 2 dizzy spells as a result. There are 2 co-bootcampers who I will refer to as Mr and Mrs Superfit, I had Mr Superfit as my partner. He seemed to breeze the assessments but the great thing was he helped me with mine, told me how many I had done, reminded me to breathe and tried to push me as far as I could go. I managed to remember to breathe by the time we did the squats, I felt this was my strongest challenge and one I can definitly improve on next time. Push ups, ha ha, say no more, MUCH practice required here, situps - well I know I dont have much stomach muscles and I apologise to all for the alient-type noises durung that session. The plank/bridge I could have held for longer than 52s but I managed to get my albow nerve trapped on the bumy grass. Sod it, I gave up too soon. Note to self - next BFA take HUGE wristbands to move up to elbows for plank/bridge.
Then we were done. Wow, it took an hour, but we had completed our first BFA. I need to improve a lot but if I knock of 4mins 20s I can make Lieutenant. Not sure how long thats going to take but its a goal. One of many. However, being a Private is not an issue to me, for now ......
Thanks to Corey after the session for the chat, it helped bring me back to reality and understand I am doing OK, and Im not doing bad. I was amused that you didnt realise how much I am struggling and read my blog to get the real truth - for anyone who knows me, Corey Im not usually quiet and the type to just get on with it. Im the chatterbox distracting all from getting on with it. Even my primary school report told me that. I bet my mum still has those reports in her attic, I must remember to ask next time Im home.
Now the weekend can begin, Im feeling less black hole and can see the bight light. Nope thats just some Dubai idiot who thinks full beam is required at 9pm, amazed he didnt also have his fog lights and hazards on too! I also just realised, the weekend already began, at 730pm when I chose to go to BFA with OFC Bootcamp, why was I waiting?
My first inspirational thought is Big Fat Ass (although according to LL thats not an issue I need to worry about - its just the middle front issues).
The next thought moves me away from BFA to BFG - The Big Friendly Giant. We've all at least heard of this childs book and most likely read it at some point. I like to consider myself a bit of a BFG, though Im inclined to look more like MID - Man In Drag and less BFG when I try to be the big-friendly-glam-queen-giant when Im out and about! But enough of my Bangkok drag-queen-dress-up dreams ...
BFA. It stands for Basic Fitness Assessment (have I got that right?). And we had our first BFA tonight. We were pre-warned by Ziad yesterday, but that just brought on anxious panic attacks (ok slight exaggeration there), and we were a little apprehensive when we arrived at the park. Another new face, and some new faces. I wonder if they will come back again next week?
Corey was a little late, Im still guessing 5 mins, but thankfully we didnt inherit his late punishments. Into the park we went, and Corey explained the next hour (or less) ahead of us.
First was a timed 1 mile run - until yesterday I had no perception of what 1 mile was, Im a convert into kms but then I only have an idea of approx 3.5kms from previously attempting to run around Safa Park and not doing a good job about it. used to take me over 30 mins! And the rest. So here I was, huddled at the back of the pack, and off we went for the 4 times around the park. The first round went by in 2 mins 36s, which was not bad considering my last running effort in the park, and I was trying to pace myself. I shuffled around the 2nd time. Into the 3rd time I stopped briefly 2 times to try and catch my breath by which point I was getting annoyed at myself as I can run better than this - not great you understand, but I did it last week around where I live. The 4th time looked more like a Monty Python funny walk sketch. It was tough, my legs were heavy and I felt I had just run 8 times already! But I did it - in 11mins 42 s (We think, I didnt realise we had to remember the time, I was barely remembering to breathe by the time I finished). Thanks for the encouragement co-bootcampes, it helped a lot. Though I do still get frustrated with myself for finishing last all the time. I know I know, its not a competition, but it would be a nice change to maybe be 2nd last next time!!
Next up were the 1min assessments - how many sit ups we could do in 1 mins, how many pushups (proper ones not the girly ones), how many squats (stick my bum out and right down!!), and how long to hold the plank/bridge. We were partnered up so that the other person who could hold our ankles still (sit ups only!!) and also they counted so we could apparently concentrate on doing the task and breathing. I forgot to breathe a few times and there were at least 2 dizzy spells as a result. There are 2 co-bootcampers who I will refer to as Mr and Mrs Superfit, I had Mr Superfit as my partner. He seemed to breeze the assessments but the great thing was he helped me with mine, told me how many I had done, reminded me to breathe and tried to push me as far as I could go. I managed to remember to breathe by the time we did the squats, I felt this was my strongest challenge and one I can definitly improve on next time. Push ups, ha ha, say no more, MUCH practice required here, situps - well I know I dont have much stomach muscles and I apologise to all for the alient-type noises durung that session. The plank/bridge I could have held for longer than 52s but I managed to get my albow nerve trapped on the bumy grass. Sod it, I gave up too soon. Note to self - next BFA take HUGE wristbands to move up to elbows for plank/bridge.
Then we were done. Wow, it took an hour, but we had completed our first BFA. I need to improve a lot but if I knock of 4mins 20s I can make Lieutenant. Not sure how long thats going to take but its a goal. One of many. However, being a Private is not an issue to me, for now ......
Thanks to Corey after the session for the chat, it helped bring me back to reality and understand I am doing OK, and Im not doing bad. I was amused that you didnt realise how much I am struggling and read my blog to get the real truth - for anyone who knows me, Corey Im not usually quiet and the type to just get on with it. Im the chatterbox distracting all from getting on with it. Even my primary school report told me that. I bet my mum still has those reports in her attic, I must remember to ask next time Im home.
Now the weekend can begin, Im feeling less black hole and can see the bight light. Nope thats just some Dubai idiot who thinks full beam is required at 9pm, amazed he didnt also have his fog lights and hazards on too! I also just realised, the weekend already began, at 730pm when I chose to go to BFA with OFC Bootcamp, why was I waiting?
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