Ive reached Thursday. Another week done yet there was a slight delay to the "start" of the weekend today as I previously have known. A 3rd boot camp session, and this time with "tough" Corey from OFC (Zaid's words and LL's!). Im still in pain but Ive done some stretches today and not feeling as bad as yesterday. I havent drunk enough water (again), this is something I am definitely going to have to work on! So YAY to me, I turned up for, attended and participated in 3 boot camp sessions. More well done me :).
The first session on Monday was a bit daunting; I had done (very loose term) a sort of boot camp before, twice for a decent period of time, and both times the discipline of turning up drifted away. Before the 1st session last Sunday I didnt have time to think about it until I started walking to Mirdif Park. When I arrived there were a few people (men and women), all checking each other out, all thinking about the unknown ahead. There wasnt a tshirt to fit me but I got one on Thursday, there was even one a size bigger than I needed. Im planning on getting a smaller one by end of February.
The first session felt a bit clumsy and slow and we had to be guided a lot by Zaid, who was brilliantly patient with us. After roll call we had a warm up and I was already out of breath but I was moving and doing it. Stretching before (and after) was given great importance emphasis. Running around the park was a challenge, but I did it. Zaid took us through what we could expect in any of the sessions. Burpees I found very difficult, so Im looking forward to improving and not getting dizzy getting up and down so fast in the future. Squats - need to learnt to do them better and get lower AND trust my thighs enough to lean back and not forward. Press ups or push ups? There was a ladies version and a mens version, Im hoping I can work up to doing the mens version, Im all for equal opps! We completed the varied session with another run around the park, on the grass, up and down little hills (I felt it going up), LL helped me get to the end. Its an emotional ride doing any exercise, never-mind something as intense as Boot Camp. Getting out of breath, feeling frustrated useless and so pathetically unfit made me feel like crying. I know these emotions will be with me for some time as I get through the weeks and months, through the pain, sweat and frustration. I believe its normal, but when its happening to me, its personal and not a nice feeling. Feeling every part of my body I dislike wobble, reinforces how bad I have let myself go. No more, this has to change.
There was a day of rest on Tuesday - well rest from Boot camp, from work and life there was no escape and that included the muscle pains. Doing the stretches we were taught helped a lot, but I was tempted a few times to take some painkillers to take the edge off, but I thought better of that idea. I want to feel the pain, to know that I have worked the muscles and to remind me of the changes I need to make. Much like self punishment but for a positive reason. No pain no gain (anyone know WHO said that first yet?).
Wednesdays session was with Zaid again, who told us Corey would be tougher than him and he was the nice guy. We started the warm up run and stretches and then there was a latecomer. Oops, not a good idea to be late for boot camp. The result? Group punishment. Burpees it was, 10 I think (its all a blurr now). So we all learned quite quickly not to be late. OR forget to wear the tshirt provided. There is no me in this, its all about the team, for the good and the bad! We completed a lot of circuit type training, varied and pushed me to my limit. One of the exercises was starting in the press up (push up?) position - walking pushups - and walk my hands onto a cool box/heskie - when Zaid showed the group I laughed out loud, perhaps a little TOO loud (apologies all), but I seriously thought there was NO WAY I would be able to lift my body weight, like that, using my arms. LL encouraged me to try it, I had to, it was part of the session. Down I got, I pushed my arms up and down and I did it, for 1 minute. I did something I really thought was impossible. Im not saying I didnt struggle and there was no wonder-woman strength, but I did it. And I kept pushing the box away! LL said it was a brilliant effort, thanks for your positivity! Another exercise was sideways walking on our hands in the push up position, another was burpees (they do like those burpees) and other activities. Lots more squats, more running at the beginning, middle and end of the session .... Me? Running? I have problems breathing and this I know is just lack of fitness and will improve, and I have just recovered from a virus. I was happy with my 2nd plank of the session - LL showed me an easier way to position myself, and bar a few knee drops for a few seconds, I completed the minute. I struggled on the last run around the park and purposely was at the back of the 2 lines. Zaid took the time to run with me and encouraged me all the way to the end of the session. His support and encouragement pushed me that little bit further, when I would have usually given up. The hardest part as he says is turning up, once Ive done that I just have to get on with it. Makes sense. I just need to keep pushing myself to turn up. Thats my hardest effort, all that remains is the discipline to keep turning up.
All bar 1 or 2 people turned up both on Wednesday and Thursday after Mondays first session. Its good to see a few familiar faces and get to know people. All a great bunch of people and ultimately people I will get to know very well as we keep coming back for more OFC boot camp.
Thursdays 3rd session was with Corey - he IS tougher than Zaid ; )! I was eventually in my OFC blue tshirt, it was long as I like and I wasnt worried about what I looked like. I was now part of the team. We started with the usual stretches and a run around the park on the grass. Exhausted already! Roll call completed, each with 10 squats, followed by Corey showing us how to do better squats and better burpees. He makes it look so easy. Im still frustrated at my lack of ability to move my huge mass, its not easy carrying this weight in normal day to day activities. Trying to move in these exercises only reminds me how much I actually weigh. And Im emotional again. Being out of breath in the warm up is embarrassing aswell. Not being able to balance on one leg like everyone else is shocking - I just need to focus my mind to balance and I can do it however when Im there my mind is on how unfit I am and balancing is an impossible task. But this is why I am here. To be able to easily balance on one leg and stretch. To be able to run more easily around the park for warm up and feel less out of breath. On with the session. There was a lot of running - 20s running, 10s rest and for 5 mins non-stop. More circuit type training (cross fit?), and this time involved bouncing weighted balls, skipping, running with parachutes (we did look funny) and more burpees - what is it with these burpees?! We used weights and made to use what seems like every muscle in our body. I was most frustrated finishing last and struggling with that last finish in the last exercise which involved 10 squats, 10 burpees, 10 weights up (?) and 10 bicep weights (?) then 2 x runs between 2 lines. Corey explained it wasnt a competition but it felt like it. And I came last. I now know I have a goal to make sure Im not last, or at least work towards this, in the coming months. I did confess to LL afterwards that I lost count on the burpees and just got up and did the rest. I gave up a little. Yet I did the best I could and this is OK. I just need to keep pushing myself and make sure I really do make improvements. There are some really good sprinters/runners in the team, I admire them, soon I will be joining them! Thursdays 3rd session done. Now the weekend can begin .....
Interestingly since I had the virus 2 weeks ago and the very high BP, I have changed my diet significantly. I really do need to get some guidance on portion control and Im working on it. Ive been eating more fish (salmon and tuna) as well as fresh veg (fresh herbs, fresh lemon juice, garlic and onions are my saviours for flavour!). I now have fruit for my daily juicing (apple, carrot, lemon, lime and ginger my fave) but I have also shopped for some good fast food and brown rice (microwaveable) to me avoid the daily takeaway deliveries which are high in salt, fat and calories, no matter how I persuade myself some of these foods are not AS bad as the others! If I can avoid these foods and steam my fish and veg, make my juices and replace bad carbs with good carbs, I know Im making some good changes to my diet. I really do need to work on this more. These changes are helping me change lifetime habits. I may even consider a trip to the fish market one day soon with LL to get some good fresh fish. Just take the bones out first. Yuck!!! Planing ahead and getting organised with healthier foods assists me in taking the lazy and unhealthy options. As long as the cupboards have something I like, is healthy and is easy to cook, Im halfway there.
Im feeling pretty proud of myself, Im feeling the muscle pain for sure too! Its been an emotionally frustrating first week and Im sure there are more tears to come as I get through my personal frustrations and reality check on my poor fitness. I know the only way is up and with the expert guidance of Zaid and Corey (not forgetting the encouragement and push from LL too) aswell as the team support from my other boot campers, I can get through this and feel better about myself, my looks and lower my BP to a more acceptable level. Im staying alive!
Farewell week 1, now Im focussing on week 2.
P.S Am I the only who has muscle ache between my wrist and elbow, or have I clumsily bruised myself on something else and not realised!???
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