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12 January 2011 - 2 down 1 to go

Morning body, did you sleep well? You did, great! I didnt, every-time I moved in the night I felt everyone of you muscles twang.I cant stand up out of bed, maybe I can call in sick. Again. Nope Ive got meetings today I cant avoid.

I laughed my way through today, amused at the increasing pain in my thighs and tummy and wondering who that smart arse was who coined the "no pain no gain" phrase. I would like to have a few words with that cheeky monkey. Thank you please!

This morning, I had a few chores to do before work - chores being "find the cat pee" challenge, always good fun and I can sense my kitties watching me amused at my failings. I start with the top of the kitchen cupboards (dont ask...) and I remove the boxes and sniff out the "pee" like a professional, spraying cat smell deodorizer. The great part was it involved a ladder, and steps and climbing up and down them several times. I found the pee. 2 of them!! Thanks for asking.

You see, I woke up knowing I had to move and stretch, and my work day was not going to offer me this. I had to be creative. I cleaned and moved and stretched my muscles,AND well before 7am I may addl! When I got to the office, I climbed the 3 floors to the office, I started to count then gave up as the number of steps was irrelevant. I was proud when I reached the top and was thankful the receptionist was not on duty, she avoided some heavy breathing and may have called 999. Or is that 911 here? I really should learn this!

Im going to use the step climbing and my out of breathness as a measure. The only safety issue I discovered with this was the downward walk in the evening, the light switch only stays on for a short period of time, and I dont like the dark, so I worked out to press the light switch on every floor and I certainly moved faster than I had planed from 1st to ground.

And it was followed by Day 2 of boot camp with OFC. The lovely Zaid again. And "LL" was with me. Thank you both. I felt I was the worst in the group, was unable to complete the tasks and was utterly useless tonight. But I did it, and as Zaid says, I turned up. The people in the group are lovely, bizarrely there are at least 2 other HR people, nice to know Im not alone! I already ache in places I never knew existed. My legs still feel like 10 tonne weights. I cant say I love it, I cant say I hate it, but its somewhere in between but less than like. LL says give it 2 months! OK ......

Tomorrow is BC Day 3. Then its the weekend. Then I can sleep. The interesting part will be what will I do on Friday and Saturday ... will I reach the gym, or the pool, or try one of the gym's classes? Only 2 days to wait and see.

Emirates Towers Vertical Marathon now being considered for 2012 ........ anyone?

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