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Something extra ....

OMG 800 hits! Thank you for reading, but I really never thought my struggle would be of interest to anyone! Keep reading and keep spreading the love ... tough love as Corey would call it! Thanks for the reminder this evening, yes it was tough and you are tough. Right, is that enough abuse for today ; )!

I just tried on the faVe dress (not face dress....), ahead of the 1 February and my 25 count down. OMG for the 2nd time, it fits and nearly fits perfectly. In 25 days its going to be too big. I need to find a good and fast fingered tailor; I will need to have it taken in at this rate. OK the weight is still going down but I think OFC boot camp works on toning up the body too cos Ive lost a few kgs before in the past and that dress certainly was as far away from fitting as I am to having the body of Nicole Richie! Can anyone recommend a great tailor?

Thank you Corey and Zaid and LL and everyone for motivating me, despite the struggle and the fact I still feel useless Im seeing results I never thought possible. In a few weeks I will be off to raid the "skinny" wardrobe that has never left the zipup bag under my bed.

Good luck everyone who is taking steps like me, day by day, keep going, Im with you all the way ...........

31 January - One month done, 11 more to go!

Technically 3 weeks, but I will count it as a whole month, being optimistic and positive.

Being more reaisticl, I was weighed in at the new Drs today, lost 0.8kgs from last Monday, so now Im only using these scale, the scales with Dr Brenda at DHTC were 1kg lower last week than the new Drs. So keeping it real, I will keep constant with the new Drs. No cheating on these weigh-ins!

BP back on the increase but it was another dysfunctional day at work, I wont go into details but Im doing 2 peoples jobs and my job is worth 3 peoples - dramas keep arising, I wonder what they really did before. But I know the answer to that question - they didnt, the reason I am here in this mess today. If only they had done SOMETHING over the last few years, they might not be at risk of losing me - if my BP remains this high something has to change and if that means changing jobs I will do it! 139/91 and it better have decreased next week.

LL was nice to me after reading yesterdays blog as I was honest. I COULD have lied and made up some fake running times (would I have increased or decreased the timings ...?) but whats the point, Im only cheating myself. Honesty is the only way this is going to work.

Today was a better day for eating but I might not be eating enough or enough of the right foods. Today I had an apple and 500ml water (I needed to increase the water consumption), and then mid morning I had some pineapple with more water. Lunch was raw veg sticks and small labneh and more water, and afternoon snack was handful of grapes and nuts and lots more water. All emergency purchases from the garage, proof you CAN snack from the garages here in a healthy way, IF they have stock in! I drank over a litre before weigh in.

And I now know why Ive been so tired, Ive had a stomach upset. All I can say is the bathrooms at work and I are well acquainted and I didnt think I would last boot camp this evening, but I managed. Do I get extra pats on the back for clenching my buttocks the whole time, and all that running!!! That was tough with a capital F!

A few dizzy spells later, we were done, stood chatting in the car park to a co-bootcamper and someone who works for the same company (I work for a JV so we are connected by sponsorship). Seems I have the better company, hey it has to be, Im writing all the fabulous and generous employee favoured policies!

Tonight I didnt feel very sociable at bootcamp, I wanted to be left alone, I was annoyed I was still struggling when I was able to do the run at the weekend with better results. I was in a bad mood for the duration of the session, inner issues and arguments more than anything. I keep reminding myself about Zaids words to me in the first week - just keep rocking up, thats half the battle. So at the end of January, Im still rocking up, into February I will still be rocking up. 3.5kgs more, 1 more dress size, fit into my face dress for 25 Feb Ball, Im still rocking up!

Tomorrow, time to see Andrew Glaswegian Dietician and see who wins the bet. 4kgs in 1 week? Bring it on Andy-boy! At least I can attend his meetings every Tuesday at 830pm, realistic with my work schedule and do-able!

30 January - Im only human ...

OK so life isnt perfect. Tell me something I didnt know!

I havent had a good day in terms of health and fitness. Just goes to prove this is real and isn't made up!

Yesterday I didn't get prepared enough, I didn't do my big shop, only some bits from the Organic Shop. I presumed I could get a salad from the restaurant near my office - I was wrong. By the time I had time for lunch (after 3pm) there was hardly any food left. No salads, No brown bread. I settled for a small whitebread cheese salad sandwich. I know - white bread, but what else was I to do. I had nowhere to order from that would deliver to the middle of the desert where I work.

I did manage to have my breakfast of fruit, followed by nuts and grapes mid morning and late afternoon. I didnt drink enough water, not even a litre of water was consumed. I thought I could make up for it this evening. Again, I was wrong! I headed home to do my weekly run .....

I arrived home some time after 6pm, my sick kitty who is now recovering came to say Hi to me, the first time in weeks/months she has woken up and got off her favourite sleeping corner. She jumped up on the sofa beside me as I switched on the TV for news on Egypt. She curled up beside me, so I curled up next to her for a little while, still in my work clothes. Sent a few sms's, replied to some work emails, curled up some more with her. Next thing, I wake up, all snuggly warm, with 4 purring kitties cuddling me. Sounds lovely and relaxing until I realised it was 10pm!! Huge oops, now Im in trouble. Ive got stiff legs from lying in a weird position on the sofa, instead of stiff legs from running. And I hadnt even switched the TV on fully, no sound only picture!

Im not feeling too positive. Now Ive added up the food-oops and the running-oops, but tomorrow is only a few hours away. The old me would give up, sod the diet, sod the fitness and get back to my old ways. I now need to focus on changing that attitude and tomorrow make sure I have my healthy food and snacks prepared by my side and I drink lots of water. If I wake early I will at least walk around my home before work, but regardless of my few hours sleep this evening, its not likely I will be awake and ready for that in the morning. Im not a morning person, there are 2 different types of people - people like me and people who like early mornings!

Instead Im going to have to pull out all my energy for tomorrow evenings OFC Boot camp, and really push myself. Perhaps I can do a run and the level 2 30 Day Shred on Tuesday evening too. Then I do have 2 more OFC Boot camps Weds and Thurs and then there is the weekend to get sorted and into a routine.

This is hard, its easy to just give up and return to familiar comforting habits .... but I cant give up. Ive seen great results in 3 weeks, I have to focus on achieving the same in the next 3 weeks. I need to, I cant stop now.

LL dont worry, my punishment is a swollen left ankle - combination of alcohol last Friday and white bread today - I think its more the white bread so will be interesting when I get round to doing my food allergy blood test. Yuck needles. If I do this test and find out what Im allergic to it will be a good thing. I may as well do this now as Im changing my diet so drastically already, whats another level of change!!

And LL, remember this is hard, remember we are not all like you (still think you are an alien sometimes ....), we don't all think and behave the same and we all don't get motivated the same way. Thats why we are all different and you need to be tolerant with me for today........Ta muchly! You knew this would be a challenge, so did I. But Im still hanging in here.

Farewell Sod-it Sunday, Hello Marvelous Monday!

29 January - So close to a Lime Tree carrot cake ......

What a day!

A fight with the bank - whats new in this city but this is getting ridiculous!! Just do as I say not what you can grab out of a hat ......

A haircut with a granny styleee blow dry - thanks, all thats missing is the pink rinse. Bug%er, no time to head home to re-do. Sunglasses on, grin and bear it.

Met LL at the Organic Store in Dubai Mall, she didnt find the granny hairdo that amusing as partly it had reduced in size by the time we met, partly because she had been told 3 different directions by the Mall employees and still had to find her own way to meet me. Gotta love Dubai and directions!

AED480 later, with 1.5 bags of organic food, my purse was again lighter, but I had more than a weeks supply of organic salmon and froper (?!). Now I know a little more about portion size from Dr Brenda, 1 portion of their salmon is 2 -3 for me. Just the size of the palm of the hand! I also got some emergency "healthy" carbs for the months detox ahead. I need to get planning, organising and shopping so Im ready for next week. So much to do, so little time.

I was late to pick up MissA, but thankfully she eventually got my Christmas and Birthday pressies, better delayed than not at all but think I need to make a big effort to get next years to you on time. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Birthday ; ) xx

And we set off for the Weightloss Show at Hayya at Emirates Hills. 2hrs later and 4 wrong directions, we found the right road. Sadly for us we had JUST decided that if THIS wasnt the right road we were heading straight to Lime Tree Cafe (www.thelimetreecafe.com) for some of their amaaazing carrot cake. For me it was that and a burger. So thank god we got to the right Hayya. And its not in Emirates Hills!!!! And the "big" fountain needs to be switched on if you are giving that as a point of reference. And you need to get the map on the website next time!! 

We met a dietician. He was Glaswegian. He looked like my brother. He didnt look old enough or experienced enough to be giving advice about nutrition. About 20mins later and a witnessed handshake of a AED500 bet, Im signed up with MissA to attend his week 1 (of 8) Tuesday session for free, with the guarantee I would lose 4kgs in one week on his healthy eating plan. He even said he would prepare an eating plan specific for someone with high blood pressure. He has asked me to delay the detox for 1 week, attend the meeting on Tuesday, do the eating plan for 1 week and report back. Now how can I refuse such a bet. If I dont lose 4kgs in 1 week, I gain AED500. If I do lose 4kgs I also lose AED500 BUT that also means I have met my first target. Bring on the maid and get that ironing off my task list! Andrew, youre not getting a link recommendation yet, but help me lose a healthy 4kgs in 1 week with a changed attitude towards food, I will be attending your 8 week programme and recommending your services. Please keep it to Sundays, Tuesdays or Saturdays. Boot camp still remains my first commitment. OFC boys Corey and Zaid, Im in it for the long term!

Andrew was very passionate about his job, about passing on his knowledge and changing peoples lives. I liked him a lot, and being from my home town also helps persuade me. I liked his style, I liked his confidence. If he can offer me the nutritional balance to the OFC Boot camp exercises, I feel this is a good combination. With the help of Dr Brenda to gel it all together, I feel Im on a winning streak. I think February is going to be a good month. LL, he is a dietician/nutritionist mostly for sports people and may be of interest to you too.

I have to confess, I didnt exercise today. I didnt clean or iron either. I also havent been shopping but I have worked out I have enough for tomorrows 5 small meals, with a bought green salad from the restaurant close to work for lunch. Grapes and nuts are easy morning and afternoon snacks for me, this is time saving and easily eaten within my meeting and training schedule. Sorry LL, I will do double running tomorrow night to make up for it! And then shopping HAS to occur, I have to remember to plan ahead, buy only what I need, get organised and get prepared each day in advance. I will get there, Ive just had a blip in the plan for today, back in the saddle tomorrow.

Now 10pm bedtime so 630am alarm tomorrow doesnt feel so painful. Hello next week, hello February, hello 4kgs, hello new maid. Life is moving in the right direction. Now I just need to find some adult roller skates (NOT roller blades!) so I can skate myself around the jogging route, thats something now top of my wish list. LL fancy some shopping next Friday? The last time I roller-skated I was singing "Its my party and I'll cry if I want to .... you would cry too if it happened to you". Im planning on crying with happiness on 25 Feb when I fit into my fave dress that has never fitted me properly - standing up in it was bearable but sitting down split my belly No 2 into belly's No 2 and 3 and it really wasnt pretty .......................

28 January - How to survive a Dubai Friday Brunch

I didnt sleep til 2am, was wide awake, maybe it was the late night Pinkberry (www.pinkberry.com). Or maybe Im just excited its the weekend, no alarms and seeing my mates I havent seen for so long. Maybe it was the excitement that I bought a dress one size smaller for AED80 in the sale and it fitted me! Yay : ).

So, what have I learnt so far about weight loss and exercise? Actually tons of things, some old wives tales, some facts and some new ideas. Mostly, Ive learnt that I need to ensure that my metabolism works when Im no exercising so that I continue to burn and lose fat and therefore lose weight away from the boot camp and other exercises. So how did I survive the Dubai Friday Champagne Brunch? I exercised Friday morning BEFORE brunch. Thats just for starters....

I decided to run around my home, its a safe closed and huge community. I had run this route a few times before last year (about 3 times ..) and it took me over 20mins, was more a fast walk than a run, and I was struggling with the breathing. This time I am very proud to report I only stopped 2 times for less than 1 min each time, and completed the run in 18mins. Even more fabulous was that I didnt struggle with my breathing. Dont get my wrong, I wasnt trying to be Zola Budd, I just ran at a steady pace, and got my breathing into a rhythm that I could handle. Over time I will improve the speed and the rhythm but for now I was happy to have done so well and run for so long each time without stopping. Granted, its a flat surface with no sign of slopes, hills or mountains. I was blinded by the sun so need to get some shades I can wear that wont slip off my face. I cant risk my Raybans falling off and smashing ..... I sweated well and I think I heard someone applauding me at one point. Cheeky sarcastic git!!

Once home, I went straight to my 30 Day Shred DVD; Ive only completed level 1 twice before, but I thought, since Ive been doing boot camp for 3 weeks now, lets try level 2. And I did, and I did it better than I thought I would. I enjoyed the walking pushups, though I still struggled with the cardio, but level 2 was more enjoyable than level 1, so will stick with level 2 through February. If I feel crazy and brave I may try level 3 just to see - http://jillianmichaels.shop.sportstoday.com/Product.aspx?pc=JIAM13

Now Im ready to handle brunch. Spectrum on One at the Fairmont Hotel has a few options to choose from, I chose the AED550 champagne brunch. We were celebrating the gorgeous MissA's birthday and we were going to do it in styleee. I only ate a fraction of what I would normally have eaten, 2 plates of the thai/chinese food and only a small portion of carbs (white rice). I did have a few little puddings and some jelly sweets but I avoided the brunchie-excess by drinking at least 1 full glass of water every time they topped up my champagne glass. There is no way to keep a track of how much I drank but I know that was also a fraction of my previous consumption. I felt tired at 430pm and so went home.

We missed the sandstorm completely! http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/uae/weather/sudden-storm-brings-life-to-a-halt-in-uae-1.753793

Once home, I wasnt tired any more. I was full of energy again. I didnt feel drunk at all, in fact I felt very sober. Glad to know my kidneys and liver are working well ...... so what did I do? Yep, I cleaned for 2 hours, and did all my laundry. I then had a lovely relaxing weekend with the sweet MrB, watching the news unfold in Egypt .... what a crazy time, and there is no short cut to end this revolution......

My personal revolution however continues, and similarly there is no short cut to my happy ending. Still day by day, but Im now moving into weeks and also the end of the first month. February is only around the corner and I plan to drop one more dress size and a min 3.5kgs again. Then I can get someone to do my ironing that continues to pile up, when will I find time to do it!?

27 January - Run Fat Boy Run

Love that movie. Love Simon Pegg. NOoooo, I dont love them. I like them a lot ..... Simon Pegg - very funny man - http://www.peggster.net, however NOT as funny as Michael McIntyre. He won awards in the UK, just cant remember what they are, and I voted for you Michael (www.michaelmcintyre.co.uk)!

Sorry, back to boot camp .... Thursday. Corey. Last day of the week. The weekend only begins at 830pm remember. What a tough session it was too. I had read on facebook earlier it was a running session so I was already feeling a little deflated. In my current state, I wasnt built for running. Im carrying a lot of weight. I dont have any cushioning in my last vertebrae so running can cause the sciatic nerve to stick or catch. And I cant breathe and panic then the breathing gets worse. And I can feel everything wobble, not a nice feeling but I know that feeling will gradually lessen as long as I stick to the healthy eating and OFC Boot camps.

Now before I forget, there is now a morning Mirdif Boot Camp session - Mons Weds and Thurs 930am, Mirdif Park, back of Uptown, next to Uptown School on 15 Street. Contact Corey at OFC - corey@originalfitnessco.com. I believe these morning sessions will commence Monday 31 January but check with Corey.

And back to boot camp. There was running. Some core exercises. Mostly running. Parachutes tied to our waists and running. Running with sit ups and press ups and running. Up a small hill that felt like a mountain very quickly. I tried to keep going, my breathing was still a struggle but an improvement on 3 weeks ago. Then we had to remember everyones names, and if not we had burpees as punishments. Sorry co-bootcampers, Im great with faces but not names, I will eventually know but I do forget, reason being Im focusing every molecule of my being just to survive bootcamp, Im not remembering the little details. I have a few names and even now I cant remember everyones names. Corey, you know who has signed up. No more burpee punishments ploise!? Jumping jacks, squats, even running, but not burpees.

I tried to do part burpees, aware that my blood pressure was still not at the best level as per my new Dr. I half did them, there were 35 in total! I got dizzy towards the end, I was on a slight slope so that didnt help. I hate that feeling, where the grass becomes the night sky and the night sky seems to move from left to right. I kept my balance but my head was going to explode. I felt sick, but I had to keep it together. There was no way I was spewing in public!!

We finished with more running, I thought of the movie with Mr Pegg, and realised I could never have made that kind of bet, or even attempted such a run, but he wasnt even fat! Mildly overweight in the beach ball belly department perhaps, but that was just beer and crisps! He wasnt obese and he wasnt fat. Poor Mr Pegg. I wish I only had the beachball to worry about, I have that and the rest.

Boot camp over, I headed home. Despite the struggle I DID get a buzz from completing another boot camp session. Considering I still dont quite "like" it (yet?). I had energy, instead of tiredness, I had to get some retail therapy. Home by 845pm, showered, dressed, hair straightened AND makeup, I was in Mirdiff City Centre by 920pm. I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone and for a few seconds pondered the idea that I had actually managed to at last pause time. Alas no, I just moved my ass and got out the door. Now to replicate that every weekday from next Sunday onwards.

A pomegranate pinkberry for dinner. And helllloooo weekend, we made it!

26 January - Boxing!!!

I enjoyed boot camp tonight. I restrained myself to say love because its not quite true and I seem to love a lot of things and people. I need to be more specific and discriminating about "love" from now on, just in case LL gets any ideas that Im really beginning to enjoy this boot camp lark.

Tonight we had Zaid from OFC again, and I was very pleased with myself that I arrived at 720pm. I was early, I was SO not going to get the team a punishment, But I did drive the 1min route from home to the park just to make sure ..... confession of the day over with, now back to the boot camp!

When I arrived I could see the blue OFC tshirts inside the park and on the left, a new location. Interesting. When I stepped inside the only thing I could say was "Thats sand"! Yep, Zaid had set up some boxing gear, and some rope ladders on 2 sides, on the volley ball court. At least it wasnt the rifles again. We warmed up and I even put my hands IN the sand, OK wasnt so bad, but there was a definite flying ant infestation living in that sand, and no doubt I will get bitten .... I dont like sand or flying ants yuck!!!

But what a great session. part of it was running at the beginning and more at the end, I did my best and even though Im still the slowest in the team, I can feel small improvements. The team cheered each other in between, it helped us push ourselves that little bit more, if we could. Then there was some core exercises for half the team and the other half had boxing. Kneeling down boxing the sh#t out of the boxing base. I was personally taking my anger and frustration into a focus on my body fat, the boxing base was all my wobbly flab and I was boxing it into the sand. Sadly when I stood up to swap teams and do some core exercises, the flab was still there but if we keep doing boxing in the boot camp sessions, I will enjoy it more and keep fighting that flab. The core exercises were a mix of crunches, pushups, cross sit ups (?) etc ... I really need to learn the names of these exercises. Part way through we had to go into pairs, I was the odd number who had Zaid. My first reaction was oh no, I cant do this with Mr Fitness himself, but with Zaid's encouragement and pushing again, I was able to do more than I thought. Again there is space for improvement, a lot, but if I had not been paired with Zaid, I would not have done as many of the exercises. Thanks Zaid.

Now the challenge of the evening is - to wash and dry the OFC blue tshirt tonight before tomorrow nights session. Ah thats why we have ac on in the winter! Now I know ..... Night night boxing boot camp, please come again sooon!

PS I got 2 flying ant bites on my left knee, must bring some spray with me next time - sorry dad, hot water wont work this time, there is nowhere to plug in the kettle ........!!

25 January 2011 - Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy - a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful, the action of plotting or conspiring

I have been an avid user of EW - expatwoman.com since I arrived in the UAE and have supported everything they aim to achieve. I have recommended to many many people, the forum and it has always been a reliable source of balanced views and recommendations. However, since I began this boot camp commitment for the next year, it is clear that EW does not support OFC - other fitness companies and individuals recommendations and postings remain however every time myself or one of my co-bootcampers enters a new posting about Boot camp in Mirdif (not even mentioning OFC) the posting gets deleted. Its a conspiracy. On MY Blog I can mention any recommendations and as long as I meet the local cultural, ethical and legal obligations of this country, I have freedom of speech. EW - sorry you cant delete this one!

The day I first uploaded this blog I entered a posting on EW and it was deleted within a short space of time, and it has now become a hobby of mine to write about boot camp in Mirdif and give OFC credit for this as much as possible.

So while Im here, the OFC website is : www.originalfitnessco.com. Contact Corey for details on any boot camp, but the Mirdif Boot camp is new, Mons Weds and Thurs 730pm in Mirdif Park at the back of Uptown and beside Uptown School on 15 Street. 

I had a busy today, apart from creating my own conspiracy which is time consuming but also very amusing. A drive to Abu Dhabi and back (NEARLY ran out of fuel, OMG, Im a girl and I would never have lived that one down ... thankfully after many prayers to the Petrol Station God, I rocked up just inside Abu Dhabi with a snot of fuel left in the tank ....). Back in Dubai I did a few hours work and a mad dash to pick up LL who was joining me for my Body Composition Analysis and meeting with the Homeopathic Nutritionist at Dubai Herbal Treatment Centre (www.dubaihtc.com, ask for Dr Brenda but be quick as she is pregnant!).

I had the BCA - had them before at Lively (they are not getting a link recommendation!!!) but this time I had to undress and wear a green hospital gown with the back open. I kept the knickers on, there is only so much a friend can tolerate in the friendship game and it doesnt involve seeing my bare ass! I then had to stand on the BCA machine, holding the handles out to the side, and was told to not move, dont laugh and dont talk. For those of you who know me, this HAS to go down as one of my biggest challenge yet. Apparently that was 3 mins, the machine took its time!

I LOST ANOTHER 1KG!!! Whoop whoop whoooop. It was confirmed on the BCA machine after being weighed on the other scales, so even though these were different scales to the new Drs (go on, you can can have a link recommendation - www.medcarehospital.com/about/medical-centres) Im still counting the loss as a total loss. So thats now 3.5kgs! Considering I have 17 months to lose 30kgs, this is more than 10% of my goal already achieved in 3 weeks. Though I do know it gets harder to lose the closer I get to my target.

Next was the meeting with Dr Brenda, a very personal chat, a great attitude and a (very severe) 1 month detox plan, but I have to go for it if I want this to work! I think she was bewildered by LL attending the meeting with me, perhaps she assumed we were a couple! Ellen Degeneres eat your heart out (yes you can also get a link recommendation because you are fabulous and MUCH better than Oprah - http://ellen.warnerbros.com).

I left the meeting feeling positive, and loaded down with homeopathic medicines to assist the month detox plan (and Im sure including the tea my mum drinks that I think smells lovely til you get too close!) and with a very light purse. I need to sort out the OFC package/discount at my follow up, but the whole session and meds cost me AED750! And we were chased out of the clinic because they were waiting for us to leave to go home....

A quick dash home back to the dark side, pick up my old lady (my eldest cat, been with me for the last 8 years) and headed to the vets near the posh side. It is something I had been dreading as she was in a bad way but the great news was she was easily "fixed" despite some blood and lots of meows (more when the the vet had the thermometer up her bum .... reminds me of an Emily Lloyd movie, 'up your bum, up your bum ...", No? Just me then ....)

However, my purse was a lot lighter again, AED950 this time!! Sigh ..........If anyone needs a good vet, my last link recommendation of the day is - www.abvc.ae

After a quick home visit to a mad Glaswegian friend of LLs (how DID you keep your accent, I had to give mine up years ago!!!!) Home, sleep, another day gone and another 1kg lost. Little steps, making progress, chatting to the right people. Thanks for your support LL, you are my lucky vet mascot now, thats 2 cats saved with your presence!!

24 January - Working 9 to 5

Happy Birthday for yesterday dad - and welcome to my blog (now Im really going to have to keep this clean and daughter-lady-like. Nah, sod that, dad you know me well enough by now, I AM lady like always xx)

Wish I could work 9 to 5. I would get a longer sleep in the morning and no more 630am alarm calls AND I would be home in daylight.

Tonight, I missed boot camp, and believe it or not, I was devastated. Ok there werent any tears but I could feel my BP rise because I had a tight deadline at work to meet before tomorrow. I had to work late. Monkeys!!!

I was supposed to go for a walk at least, recommended by LL, but by the time I left work I really needed to get to my new Drs Nursing Team for my weekly weigh in and 1 of 3 BP checks. Mondays are good days as I have been doing it before BC to see if my BP has come down and I can start doing burpees .........honest Corey!

There I was, 915pm, walking into the clinic .... "where everybody knows your name". Cheers!

It is funny, I feel like a celeb walking in there, the Receptionists know me, one is quite cute too ... and the nurses all come running out to say Hi and fight over who will do my "readings". I sat down, linked up to the BP machines, Ive lost count of how many times I have been here. In come 3 more nurses, Hi Hi, how are you? They are lovely and turning into my new best friends.

Time to celebrate, my BP has started to come down. Whoop whoop. Its not quite 140/90 but its nearly there, in no time at all I will be normal again. Immediately I want to come off the 1 month BP meds, but I know I cant, not yet. Buts its top of my plan. I will not be on meds at my age for BP!!! We all cheered, me and 4 nurses, but there were no whoops, time for that in a moment....

THEN ..... I stood on the scales. Oh how I cheered and there was a definite whoop from my lungs, the nurses cheered again and even louder this time. I had gained 1kg last Monday and now a week later I had lost 2.4kgs. I HAD to tell LL first and she was over the moon and was smiling from ear to ear (apparently, I didnt see her, I live on the dark side and she quite clearly lives somewhere tons posher ...).

I was SO happy that my pain, frustrations and tears were worth it (I could have said blood, sweat and tears but there was no blood, Bootcamp is not that bad!) and I was finally seeing results. LL had said all along that my body will change internally and sometimes I will lose and sometimes gain, but when changing my life like I am so drastically in such a short space of time, the weight monitoring is not the best option. Its the BCA (body composition analysis?) thats the important one, where it shows the balance of body fat, muscles, bones, water etc. Im booked in for a BCA and a meeting with the homepathic Dr recommended by OFC. But thats tomorrow ...

Today Im going to glow and enjoy the feeling of the start of my success, it feels good, I know its not a huge weight loss and I have a long way to go but I need to take this bit by bit, step by step (was that NKOB?). Its a short period of time, its been hard work, its been a daily struggle but the train has now left the station, Im on my journey!

Ive set myself some goals and rewards.

When I reach my first weight goal - I get a maid, enough of the cleaning and ironing already! Until then, Ive bought a new mop ....

For my birthday in a few months LL and I will be jumping out of a plane with my first sky dive (LLs 2nd I think?) over Dubai beach, with views of the Palm and the World. I will be booking me and girls into the new One and Only Royal Mirage Hotel on the Palm (trying to get the villa but they haven't replied yet) for the weekend and enjoy a very nice and new brunch - one we haven't tried before. Champagne I am told has less calories than wine, infact LL thats not true (I checked today), but you said it has less sugar so that will suit me just fine. Anyone interested in Sky Diving in Dubai (and their car drove past me earlier when I parked the car) can check out their website - www.skydivedubai.ae Come join me!

I personally cannot wait to do this, something I have only dreamt about for a long time - I exceeded their max weight limit, and I would rather be under the max limit, those ropes have to hold me and hopefully a handsome blue eyed boy. Mind you I might wet my pants and thats going to be embarrassing!

However, my first goal is to treat myself to a trip with Mountain High in March - there is one in Koh Samui in Thailand (the land of beautiful people, food and culture - oh and the Tiger Temple ... I may have to extend the trip!!). Im just waiting for the details, but if I can book up I can agree my goal with LL and make sure I reach it and I can fly to my favourite country. Friends and tigers will be added to the schedule too. Im already excited. For those interested in Mountain High - www.mountainhighme.com. Just email Jules and maybe I will see you there! Now to complete my leave request form (and Im then traveling again 6 April for a few days, important business, very important, my beautiful gorgeous nieces birthday).

So now Im motivated and focused and have some clear short term goals, I need to rest and get up tomorrow and keep fighting this flab! Yay I lost 2.4kgs!!!!

23 January - Starting to see improvements

Hello Sunday! I have never really got my head round to Sunday being the first day of the week, the only bonus being by the time Monday arrives, the "Monday" morning blues have already gone. Then its hump day on Tuesday and before I know it, its the weekend again. Not that Im wishing my life away of course ....

Work done and out of the way, me and my co-bootcamper headed to Mirdif Park for our 3 x running and then followed by some speedy walking while we chatted. We motivate each other, if I say Im going she feels she HAS to join me. If she says she is coming I HAVE to show up and do it. A great arrangement if I do say so myself.

Now bearing in mind the previous 2 times I ran around, my timings for the 3rd time were an improvement :
14 Jan : 1 - 2m 43s, 2 - 2mins 54, 3 - 2mins 49s
16 Jan :  1 - 2mins 40s, 2 - 2mins 54s, 3 - 2mins 50s
23 Jan : 1 - 2mins 26, 2- 2mins 42, 3 - 2mins 46s

You can imagine, I was well-chuffed, I knocked 17s off my 1st run, 12s off my 2nd and 3s off the 3rd. Still room for improvement but thanks to the OFC Bootcamps my fitness is already improving in such a short space of time. It CAN be done, and if I can do it, seriously ANYONE can do this. Finding the motivation to begin is very tough, starting to move an untrained body feels near impossible and trying to get fit being so very unfit, feels frustrating physically and mentally. The boot camp team bonding does help, and you feel shy, silly and useless in the beginning. All I can say is I am very proud of every improvement and this I feel, is just the beginning.

I didnt do any cleaning tonight, it was shower and bed for 10pm. I went to sleep at 10pm on Saturday and I woke fresh and full of the beans this morning, so Im hoping for some more of that feeling tomorrow morning. And tomorrow is boot camp day, week 3 day 1, so I need all the energy I need.

Well done me, yet again : )

21 - 22 January 2011 - I love my weekends

There is something about weekends that I love. Its more than not working and having to talk to people, to think and balance priorities and meet ridiculous deadlines, its more about the fact I dont need an alarm, or rather I choose not to have the alarm working. Blisssssssssss : ).

Friday mornings are usually spent reading in bed even if I wake up at 830am, with the kitties allowed to come and join me for their weekly cuddle in bed treat, then its a competition of who can get as close to my face as possible. 3 kitties on my belly only remind me I really should NOT be lazing in bed but moving my ass cleaning, walking, running - basically just moving. I think I need to keep the momentum going in between bootcamp, a bit like a clocks pendulum, once it stops it stops unless someone winds it up or gives it a huge shove. Im feeling pretty ok, Im the swinging pendulum, and Im still moving. Bloody marvelous.

So I go back to sleep again til 11am .... thank goodness for weekends!

Now a Dubai Friday brunch. Interesting concept. A concept that has maintained my excess weight and encouraged my early years of unofficial AA membership. Thankfully I grew up a little over the last few years and I spent 80% of 2009 and 2010 alcohol free (I even gave away my old bar stock, it was a big bar ...... great memories, but reckless life really. Least I made a good profit in selling the bar). Whoever invented these alcohol induced brunches which commence at the same time as the important Friday prayers was asking for trouble. And in recent years as reported in The Sun, lots of trouble. Im happy to confirm I remain trouble free and plan to continue this way.

I was so looking forward to spending time with the lovely MrsT and MrT and family. Grand Hyatt, Market Place on a Friday is THE mature and civilized brunch for people who want to avoid the drunken brunches and have a decent long lunch with great people, great conversation and amazing food. I ate about 10% of my usual consumption and I was still full. I was careful with my choices - caesar salad first with prawns, easy on the dressing chef! Me eating prawns by choice is also a new thing, as is eating steamed fish 4 -5 times a week. I followed the salad with a SMALL (yes I did) plate of veggies and hummus, a little arabic bread on the side. Look, I wasnt going nuts it was only a few small pieces. Then I choose grilled tandoori chicken and tandoori paneer. The paneer even for my portions was huge (thanks MrsT for taking some so I wouldnt waste it). I did have a little biryani and some nan bread. 100% less than my usual consumption. I was proud. Long waits in between, lots of beautiful fruit juices and just the best company and conversation I could ask for.

Even better, I was sat next to some family of MrT, both are long distance runners and super super fit. I told them about my life challenge and they were so supportive and realistic with when I cold expect that buzz LL keeps talking about - 1 said 1yr, the other said 2yrs! OMG really??? They made me feel ok with my 1kg weight loss and supported LLs  and Zaids explanations about my body changing and being in shock and it cold be muscle gain. Phew, now I feel OK, 4 people told me the same, it MUST be true.

I waited ann hour and had 1 scoop coconut and 1 scoop pistachio, but I couldnt avoid the gulub jamon. I know, I know, but I will be good for the rest of the week, I promise!

After 4hrs of grazing sensibly, I chilled for a few hours at MrsTs house, spent quality time with little MrL, who I just love - the happiest chilled little boy, and handsome too, he will break many hearts as soon as he hits KG1 and beyond.

I then went home at 8pmish - cleaned for 1.5hrs and ironed my work clothes for 1.5hrs. I got a buzz from that but think that was more to do with the fact I was singing and dancing to MTV. I used to watch MTV all the time, now Im hardly home to even get the TV on and past Sky News, Im a news addict what can I say! Who needs running (OK, I need it ...) when Ive got so much cleaning and ironing to do. Ironing is just like riding a bike, you fall off and get back on and you do just fine. I cant remember the last time I ironed. Well done me : )

Saturday was spent doing more and more cleaning, and chilling at home with some movies and recorded TV. More Bliss. I decided to run tomorrow, I really needed to relax and see if I could work on getting my BP down and de-stressing. I succeeded and I felt I had the best weekend in a very long time. Thanks to MrsT and family and extended family and my beautiful friend MrB.

Tomorrow I NEED to run - MUST SMS my co-bootcamper in the morning and force myself to move my ass. Ive had 2 days of moving in a different way but I need to push myself. Sorry, who am I? Ha ha, small changes are occurring .................Bring it on OFC, more boot camps ploise!

20 January 2011 - We're lovin' it!

I had some work to do tonight. I missed last nights session AND it was a Corey night.... ha ha!

Its so nice to show up at something that takes every inch of my physical motivation to walk, knowing I will be in pain for the next 60mins, its a bit like tough love, only there is no love. OK thats not quite true, the OFC Mirdif team are lovely people, everyone is behaving themselves so far (only the odd punishment of press ups, or burpees if we dont move into line fast enough, I think we are all still confused over what we have to do, well Im still confused ....).

So there we all are, "loving"each other and Corey gets us to play a game of TAG or is it TIG, I think TIG was the Glasgow version I grew up with. As you can imagine, I was never "IT", but I was amazed at how fast I could run in short bursts to avoid the 5yr memory of being tigged or tagged. Can someone help me here, is it a proper game in schools even today?? So that was fun, then we moved on to some proper boot camp circuits and exercises. Damn it OFC!!

I dont think Corey was amused at my attitude when he explained one of the exercises involved burpees. I had previously been advised not to do them (new Dr) as this increased my already dangerously high BP beyond the scales. So when I was told to do it, I said no, then when told again, I was adamant and said "Corey Im not doing it". Tears welling in the back of my eyes and throat, I maintained a level of decorum only possible for a girl (optimistic I know), sweating her ass off in an un-elegant and un-graceful way. How I avoided a punishment I will never know.....but seriously Corey I AM NOT DOING IT ha ha! Ok til next week then if my BP is down I will give them a go!

My weekends are changing - apart from the delayed start, now approx 830pm, but Im less inclined to stuff my face in front of a DVD, its more about cleaning (STILL no maid.... ufff), and tomorrow I have a brunch with the lovely MrsT and family. Lets see if I can behave. I have a very large inner child fighting to get out, and control was never one of its better strengths. Give me the strength tomorrow pleassssse, not to eat the usual amount of food that would feed the population of China. Amen

17 - 19 January 2011 - Where does the time go?

So Ive missed 3 days! I thought it was 2! Obviously getting distracted.

Monday's boot camp session was with Zaid again. This time Zaid and rifles. I NEARLY got a late punishment, however I knew I left my apartment at 7.20pm and it takes less than 5 mins to walk to the park. As I got closer to the park I couldnt see anyone, but at the last minute saw Zaid about to close the van. I was within minutes of being late, but not too late to get given an empty "rifle" to go fill with sand. We also have sand in Mirdif Park?

Yes we do. Where the young kids play. Now let me define "rifle" here before we move on. These riffles I thought were made of metal until I clunked them later when throwing/placing in the van, instead of them clinking. So Im guessing not metal. Regardless, one end opens, and once filled with sand weighs the equivalent of a small child. Perhaps I sucked up a lost child into the rifle who had fallen into the "safety" sand. Then again there was no screaming so perhaps not.

The sand I also discovered quite quickly, was used for us to run on. However, by the time we had got through the session of warm ups, 2 x 4 sets of circuit type training (small steps over the lader, knee steps over the little hurdles, a series of running, squats, lunges and for me jumping jacks), and a few runs with the heavy and getting heavier rifles, in between squats and lunges and yet more running WITH rifles. Me running on sand really didnt happen. It didnt really start, there was a thought about it and a stumble over it. I dont like sand. Dont like it in my shoes, especially not the filtered through the sock kind of fine sand that I feel between my toes. There were others who were equally struggling like me too. I dont feel so pathetic after all. Sorry what? Put my hands IN the sand and do an exercise with my feet - no idea what its called and cant describe it so use your imagination! Sand shock over, I survived another session. Sweaty wet tshirt  and no rain. Ive done something good tonight.

I had felt demotivated earlier in the day. Blood pressure back up again. Weight gain on 1kg. Eating less. Drinking more water. Not drinking anything except water and my own home made fresh juices and the odd Pocari Sweat. How can I not have lost weight? How come my BP is not coming down yet? Come on life, this is not fair. Im doing everything Im supposed to do, to lead a healthy life, lose weight, get fit and lower my BP but nothings happening.

Tuesday was a different day altogether. Despite the lack of losses and decreases in the right areas over the last 2+ weeks, Im sure those work trousers were a little looser. Or they had been stretched the last time I wore them for a few hours. Time to wash them and then wear them to see if this is right. Come to think about it, they do feel looser around my bum and thighs. Could this be????

After a busy stressful day (yes, the cause of the high BP), I had to go to my old Dr for something routine. I had my BP taken, 146/86. MUCH lower. Perhaps the new Drs BP machine is a tad sensitive, or reads higher than it actually is. I checked my old records and my BP in October was a perfect 120/80. The highest was several years ago (like 7!!) when I was significantly higher and it was 150/100!!! I didnt remember that. The test will be the BP reading on Thursday evening or Friday morning in the new Drs. Im hoping for good news.

Tuesaday evening, I watched some TV and then fell asleep. No running. No 30 Day Shred either. I know I can make up for it at the weekend. LL I promise : ).

Wednesday evening I missed the boot camp session. Part of me was pleased as it was raining and cold. The bigger and hopefully shrinking part of me thought about it more than I thought I would. Despite eating grilled salmon and veggies and drinking water for the work dinner, I felt I should be exercising not eating. An evil E against a good E. I know Im going to feel heavy and useless tomorrow, my mind is already changing thinking 2 days without exercise is a bad move. What about the last 22 years?!

So bring on Thursdays boot camp, come on. OFC says its a light session tomorrow, but it will be fine enough for me thanks! This time next year I will be running the 10km with LL and the others. Only 12 months to go to shift this nightmare Ive been carrying for too long, physically and mentally. Time to move on. Time passes by fast in this twilight zone called Dubai. Therefore, in no time at all I will be running that marathon and enjoying the buzz of a long and regular  run at 6am on a Friday morning. I want to be that person. I need to be that person. Though I think I will still like my Friday lie-ins, especially if I get myself a "hunk-of-spunk" along the way too. Hello!!! : )

16 January 2011 - Week 3 of lifestyle change ...

... week 2 of boot camp.

I didnt sleep again last night. Not for want of trying (what DOES that mean?) but because my mind was full of the fact I am at risk of a stroke, heart attack, kidney failure and all sorts of other illnesses. At what point did I become a hypochondriac? Erm, about 2am this morning I believe.

I felt so low and scared, needed to suddenly get all my "stuff" in order in case anything happened to me and then was scared of actually dying, of the pain of a heart attack. I remembered the chest pains I had when I had gall bladder issues, and how I thought I had heart problems, only to find out my ECG was perfectly normal. Had the gall bladder removed, reduced my weight from its highest recorded of 118kgs (it was 122kg at my worst!) and I STILL didnt learn. Til now, and Im just hoping its not too late.

So you can imagine the kind of mood I woke up in today. Grizzly bear had nothing on me. Tried to make an appointment for a body composition test followed by an appointment with a nutritionist. Only to be passed to 4 different people to be told they dont have a nutritionist any more, depsite their advertising and 5 attempts to confirm a 630pm appointment next Tuesday. 

I also tried to get the times for yoga classes at Fitness First Mirdif City Centre. They werent listed, couldnt get the number from the internet, called 3 times before FF Uptown gave me the right number. Couldnt get the details over the phone. Told letter by letter the website to check the classes. Blocked at work. Letter by letter spelt out my email address, 3 times. Got the email. No attachment, just the same website she already gave me but didnt work. No wonder I have high blood pressure with such incompetent customer service (or lack of) and service in this country. 2 Basic tasks took me well over 30mins and Im sure increased the BP above 150/80!

I got on with my work.  Overpaid Training Admin and photocopier .......

The positive spin to today was I contacted my co-bootcamper, my new running friend to see if she would be joining me this evening at the Park for the same running/walking we did on Friday. I thought, if she confirms she is joining me, I HAVE to go and I have no excuses when I get home to not do any exercise. As much as I have a ton of cleaning and ironing to do that would keep me moving, the run seemed far more important. Boot camp is definitely affecting my motivation to improve my fitness so Im not such an arse at it on Mondays Wednesdays and Thursdays! And we did our 3 runs (timings much the same as last time for me) and 4 fast walks afterwards, making sure we stretched well before and after as we are taught at boot camp. It was nice to chat and my co-bootcamper confessed that if I had not sent the sms she would not have done it. So we are keeping each other motivated to show up. Thanks Zaid and Corey from OFC!

I also did more reading on high BP - drinking more water (I really dont drink enough), acupuncture, more reiki, cupping and looking at my potassium levels. I need to increase my blueberries (yum) so I can stock up on them tomorrow for my morning lactose free smoothies.

Things are looking up. I even had time to finish cleaning the kitchen, moved it around a bit, finish cleaning the sofa covers, and Im even writing this before 1130pm. Walking to the car after work today I had to admit to myself that I felt a bit better than usual and for sure, had more energy. Tomorrows another day, Im allowed one off day week per week, perhaps I can use LLs 20/80 rule here. : ). I was even treated to 30mins of Michael McIntyre on a recored Live at the Apollo, who is funny but even funnier when I watch it with sis - must get the DVDs and bring them next time Im over, or just buy them there and bring them back. Roll on April. Miss you little sis xx

Night night world, you seem a better place tonight, and tomorrow is just another day. A better day!

Ps I have yoga options Sun 630pm, Tues 630pm, Fri 1030am and some Pilates Sat 1130am. BRILLIANT! Now to get some free passes for the girls ......Bely Dancing 5pm Saturday

15 January 2011 - Another weekend bites the dust

And dusty it was. Strong winds, eating sand and apparently 2c temps and rain to come this week. Yuck, not liking the idea of that!

So the weekend. Part cleaning, sleeping, spending time with the lovely MrsT, making bean salad, shopping for healthy food and exercising. Yes you read right. Exercising! LL set me a task of running 3 times around Mirdif Park and recording the times so I can monitor my improvements over the coming weeks and months. I completed this with one of my co-bootcampersa. And with my Blackberry, as the only stopwatch I have never worked properly and as I have JUST discovered, is the mystery beeping from my kitchen for the last few months. 

My tmings for this were :
Round 1 - 2mins 43s
Round 2 - 2mins 54s
Round 3 - 2mins 49s

I was "supposed" to do the same today but I decided to move this to tomorrow, Sunday, after the first day of the week. Reason being I wanted a free day of not having to do something, like work (perhaps the reason behind my high BP apart from the excess weight ....) or exercise (something I am yet to convert to something I enjoy). Then my mind took over, thinking thinking thinking. Reasoning in my head as its always done. Good cop, bad cop. My angel vs my devil. Why am I not doing exercise, instead of telling myself why not JUST do the exercise. 

So today I did something unexpected; after a lovely afternoon/early evening with the MrsT and the family, I returned home. I decided not to stay and have to have takeaway and return home to my bean salad (its lovely, trust me - would even compete with Lime Tree Cafe!) and steamed tuna. After a boost of energy and cleaning of the lounge floor, moving one of the sofas and putting the sofa covers back on again after being washed, I was all warmed up and motivated. I didnt even check the time but I knew it wasnt early. 

And on went Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD. Motivated by the fact the trip to the Dr today showed my BP as 150/80! Despite being on the meds now for 9 days, my BP remains high. I have to reduce the risk of heart disease and a stroke. I have so much to do yet .....

A few mins after the intro, I was following the DVD. AC was on. 20mins later I realised the exercises were similar to Boot Camp and made me think that if I did more of the DVD in between the boot camp sessions, and find myself a Yoga class at Fitness First and swam once a week, I will more or less be doing exercise every day of the week. Throw in a few walks around home and Im still moving. I will also be getting better at the exercises and in the long term be able to do better at Boot Camp. Even better if I can burn more calories and lose weight I will also lower my BP.

Everything is connected, everything has the same process - exercise = lose weight. Exercise = lower BP. Exercise = look better. Exercise = more energy. Exercise = sleep better. As much as I have known this for years, in fact all my life, I am still pondering why I have not just done the REGULAR exercise. Maybe I will never find the answer to this question. Or why I have previously given up on every attempt to achieve all of the above. What I do know, is today I am doing exercise to achieve the above. And tomorrow I will try again, and the day after and the day after that. Its not easy, there is no shortcut (trust me, I know, Ive tried most of them). Hard work is something I know and understand in work. If I can just transfer that hard work to committing to and being motivated to achieve all of the above, Im half way there.

Tomorrow I am booking an appointment to get my body analysis completed and hopefully to meet a specialist nutritionist who can assist me further with my healthy eating and my definition of portion control. The next challenge.

An interesting weekend, an improvement on previous weekends and looking forward to the next one. A healthy brunch with MrsT and family on Friday, followed by an evening run around Mirdif Park with my co-bootcamper, and more cleaning (until I reach my first weight goal - THEN I can hire a new maid, til then I have to do the cleaning to keep me moving .....)

Bye bye weekend, hello next week. xx

14 January 2011 - Keep on Moving

Keep on moving dont stop no! So said Soul II Soul. They also said something about dancing in the rain or was that another band called Blue-something or other? Ok music quizzers, help me here! I could google it but Im being lazy today, it IS the weekend. Just please no rain. Me no like!!

I slept! Hallelujah (I had to spell check that, not a common word I use) about time too. I did sleep late, I made myself really tired so I could get some proper rest. I even had an early afternoon kip too. Noice noice!

I keep thinking about the "task" LL has set me. Yesterday evening one of my co-bootcampers agreed with me to meet this evening at 7pm to run around the park. LL asked me to run my best 3 times around and time it, and keep doing this as a measurement. I can do that I said, once over the weekend not too bad.

After a pottering day at home, washing my old car for a viewing, shopping at Union CoOp, it was soon time to go to the park. We changed the time to 6pm. Eeek, it wouldnt be dark by then, but OK get on with it, just do it. So I did. I reached the park early, watched in amazement the amount of people using the park. Before Monday I knew it existed but I never realised how many people used it. A picnic for a family of 20. Kids playing football. Girls sat playing with hair (what IS that, am I the only girl who never did this and finds it a bit freaky?), men playing cards, women sat chatting - always!

My co-bootcamper arrived, we did some upper and lower body stretches. We both leaned on the post rather than attempting to balance on one leg. I had the stop watch ready. I forgot my water yikes. Off we ran. 3 times. 2 mins break in between to get our breath back. And then we fast walked another 3 times and chatted along the way. Was good to get to know each other, Im sure it will help us both encourage each other during next weeks boot camp sessions. My co-bootcamper's sister admires LL and wants to be just like her - I know someone else who admires LL!!!! Ha ha, I got it in .....

We agreed we would be in touch if we went to the park again before Monday, running or walking, and its great I have someone in locally to run/walk round the park with. We can both motivate each other through these hard first few weeks and improve out fitness to make the boot camp sessions that little bit easier.

LL then informed me to do the sam again tomorrow, Saturday and have Sunday as a rest day. Im going to say no to tomorrow, and yes to Sunday instead. Just my personal preference for a whole day with no work or exercise ... sorry LL! Who knows, I may still do it again tomorrow AND Sunday (and Tuesday) .......!

After this little task, I went to see my lovely friend MrsT. I took my brown rice (for 2) and my prawn Boona curry (for 2) as it saved her thinking about dinner for a change, and I already had the food ready, thanks M&S. The greatest thing about this arrangement was it didnt permit me to eat the food made for 2, by sharing it with MrsT ensured there was no way I could (as per my old habits) eat it all to myself. I also made some of my fave juice which we had as a starter. A few hours of gossip later, I really had to let the pregnant MrsT sleep. I was amused that she was stiff and uncomfortable to walk with baby in her tummy (my moneys also on a girl!) and I was waddling the same with stiff thighs and arm muscles. MrsT, you still have a smaller waist and tummy than me ha ha! Love you lots, thanks for cheering me up and letting me detox and download my last few weeks. Hope you slept well. See you tomorrow for a belated Christmas xx

Night night, its far too late for me to be awake! Whats that all about .....Feeling good, better than usual, more positive, feeling I have something to look forward to but I dont know yet what IT is. A long way to go, one day at a time.

13 January 2011- 3 down, lucky for some!

Ive reached Thursday. Another week done yet there was a slight delay to the "start" of the weekend today as I previously have known. A 3rd boot camp session, and this time with "tough" Corey from OFC (Zaid's words and LL's!). Im still in pain but Ive done some stretches today and not feeling as bad as yesterday. I havent drunk enough water (again), this is something I am definitely going to have to work on! So YAY to me, I turned up for, attended and participated in 3 boot camp sessions. More well done me :).

The first session on Monday was a bit daunting; I had done (very loose term) a sort of boot camp before, twice for a decent period of time, and both times the discipline of turning up drifted away. Before the 1st session last Sunday I didnt have time to think about it until I started walking to Mirdif Park. When I arrived there were a few people (men and women), all checking each other out, all thinking about the unknown ahead. There wasnt a tshirt to fit me but I got one on Thursday, there was even one a size bigger than I needed. Im planning on getting a smaller one by end of February.

The first session felt a bit clumsy and slow and we had to be guided a lot by Zaid, who was brilliantly patient with us. After roll call we had a warm up and I was already out of breath but I was moving and doing it. Stretching before (and after) was given great importance emphasis. Running around the park was a challenge, but I did it. Zaid took us through what we could expect in any of the sessions. Burpees I found very difficult, so Im looking forward to improving and not getting dizzy getting up and down so fast in the  future. Squats - need to learnt to do them better and get lower AND trust my thighs enough to lean back and not forward. Press ups or push ups? There was a ladies version and a mens version, Im hoping I can work up to doing the mens version, Im all for equal opps! We completed the varied session with another run around the park, on the grass, up and down little hills (I felt it going up), LL helped me get to the end. Its an emotional ride doing any exercise, never-mind something as intense as Boot Camp. Getting out of breath, feeling frustrated useless and so pathetically unfit made me feel like crying. I know these emotions will be with me for some time as I get through the weeks and months, through the pain, sweat and frustration. I believe its normal, but when its happening to me, its personal and not a nice feeling. Feeling every part of my body I dislike wobble, reinforces how bad I have let myself go. No more, this has to change.

There was a day of rest on Tuesday - well rest from Boot camp, from work and life there was no escape and that included the muscle pains. Doing the stretches we were taught helped a lot, but I was tempted a few times to take some painkillers to take the edge off, but I thought better of that idea. I want to feel the pain, to know that I have worked the muscles and to remind me of the changes I need to make. Much like self punishment but for a positive reason. No pain no gain (anyone know WHO said that first yet?).

Wednesdays session was with Zaid again, who told us Corey would be tougher than him and he was the nice guy. We started the warm up run and stretches and then there was a latecomer. Oops, not a good idea to be late for boot camp. The result? Group punishment. Burpees it was, 10 I think (its all a blurr now). So we all learned quite quickly not to be late. OR forget to wear the tshirt provided. There is no me in this, its all about the team, for the good and the bad! We completed a lot of circuit type training, varied and pushed me to my limit. One of the exercises was starting in the press up (push up?) position - walking pushups - and walk my hands onto a cool box/heskie - when Zaid showed the group I laughed out loud, perhaps a little TOO loud (apologies all), but I seriously thought there was NO WAY I would be able to lift my body weight, like that, using my arms. LL encouraged me to try it, I had to, it was part of the session. Down I got, I pushed my arms up and down and I did it, for 1 minute. I did something I really thought was impossible. Im not saying I didnt struggle and there was no wonder-woman strength, but I did it. And I kept pushing the box away! LL said it was a brilliant effort, thanks for your positivity! Another exercise was sideways walking on our hands in the push up position, another was burpees (they do like those burpees) and other activities. Lots more squats, more running at the beginning, middle and end of the session .... Me? Running? I have problems breathing and this I know is just lack of fitness and will improve, and I have just recovered from a virus. I was happy with my 2nd plank of the session - LL showed me an easier way to position myself, and bar a few knee drops for a few seconds, I completed the minute. I struggled on the last run around the park and purposely was at the back of the 2 lines. Zaid took the time to run with me and encouraged me all the way to the end of the session. His support and encouragement pushed me that little bit further, when I would have usually given up. The hardest part as he says is turning up, once Ive done that I just have to get on with it. Makes sense. I just need to keep pushing myself to turn up. Thats my hardest effort, all that remains is the discipline to keep turning up.

All bar 1 or 2 people turned up both on Wednesday and Thursday after Mondays first session. Its good to see a few familiar faces and get to know people. All a great bunch of people and ultimately people I will get to know very well as we keep coming back for more OFC boot camp.

Thursdays 3rd session was with Corey - he IS tougher than Zaid ; )! I was eventually in my OFC blue tshirt, it was long as I like and I wasnt worried about what I looked like. I was now part of the team. We started with the usual stretches and a run around the park on the grass. Exhausted already! Roll call completed, each with 10 squats, followed by Corey showing us how to do better squats and better burpees. He makes it look so easy. Im still frustrated at my lack of ability to move my huge mass, its not easy carrying this weight in normal day to day activities. Trying to move in these exercises only reminds me how much I actually weigh. And Im emotional again. Being out of breath in the warm up is embarrassing aswell. Not being able to balance on one leg like everyone else is shocking - I just need to focus my mind to balance and I can do it however when Im there my mind is on how unfit I am and balancing is an impossible task. But this is why I am here. To be able to easily balance on one leg and stretch. To be able to run more easily around the park for warm up and feel less out of breath. On with the session. There was a lot of running - 20s running, 10s rest and for 5 mins non-stop. More circuit type training (cross fit?), and this time involved bouncing weighted balls, skipping, running with parachutes (we did look funny) and more burpees - what is it with these burpees?! We used weights and made to use what seems like every muscle in our body. I was most frustrated finishing last and struggling with that last finish in the last exercise which involved 10 squats, 10 burpees, 10 weights up (?) and 10 bicep weights (?) then 2 x runs between 2 lines. Corey explained it wasnt a competition but it felt like it. And I came last. I now know I have a goal to make sure Im not last, or at least work towards this, in the coming months. I did confess to LL afterwards that I lost count on the burpees and just got up and did the rest. I gave up a little. Yet I did the best I could and this is OK. I just need to keep pushing myself and make sure I really do make improvements. There are some really good sprinters/runners in the team, I admire them, soon I will be joining them! Thursdays 3rd session done. Now the weekend can begin .....

Interestingly since I had the virus 2 weeks ago and the very high BP, I have changed my diet significantly. I really do need to get some guidance on portion control and Im working on it. Ive been eating more fish (salmon and tuna) as well as fresh veg (fresh herbs, fresh lemon juice, garlic and onions are my saviours for flavour!). I now have fruit for my daily juicing (apple, carrot, lemon, lime and ginger my fave) but I have also shopped for some good fast food and brown rice (microwaveable) to me avoid the daily takeaway deliveries which are high in salt, fat and calories, no matter how I persuade myself some of these foods are not AS bad as the others! If I can avoid these foods and steam my fish and veg, make my juices and replace bad carbs with good carbs, I know Im making some good changes to my diet. I really do need to work on this more. These changes are helping me change lifetime habits. I may even consider a trip to the fish market one day soon with LL to get some good fresh fish. Just take the bones out first. Yuck!!! Planing ahead and getting organised with healthier foods assists me in taking the lazy and unhealthy options. As long as the cupboards have something I like, is healthy and is easy to cook, Im halfway there.

Im feeling pretty proud of myself, Im feeling the muscle pain for sure too! Its been an emotionally frustrating first week and Im sure there are more tears to come as I get through my personal frustrations and reality check on my poor fitness. I know the only way is up and with the expert guidance of Zaid and Corey (not forgetting the encouragement and push from LL too) aswell as the team support from my other boot campers, I can get through this and feel better about myself, my looks and lower my BP to a more acceptable level. Im staying alive!

Farewell week 1, now Im focussing on week 2.

P.S Am I the only who has muscle ache between my wrist and elbow, or have I clumsily bruised myself on something else and not realised!???