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19 March - Time after Time

Before I commenced this health and fitness regime, I ever had any time for much, time was precious and rare and always by passed me or slipped through my fingers.

Looking back to my first few bootcamp sessions with OFC last January 2011, THE hardest part was making the time. I was lucky, I had LL committed to attending the 3 sessions a week with me, to jump start my new habit. Everything in my life had to go on hold until I lost this weight and achieve my goals, and change my habits for life. I sacrificed and gave things up (erm ... take aways and lazy nights on the sofa doing nothing top the list) but I still struggled and didnt really like what I was doing.

Fast forward to March 2012 - Im happy to report things have changed dramatically, some habits will take longer to change, however, the exercise is now a habit and a routine. When I miss a session with Zaid, I feel a little disorientated and my thoughts drift off to what I feel I SHOULD have been doing instead (except last Saturday when I was suffering major Irish Ball hangover, I forgot all about Zaid and gym and fitness ...) and now I like the fact that the rest of my life fits around my exercise plan. Ive upped the exercise schedule for the rest of March and April and my schedule currently looks like this (April changes are in brackets!) :

Sun eve - 1hr PT with Zaid, usually cardio!
Mon eve - 1hr Yogi Fit with Gillian from OFC at Mirdif Park
Tues eve - 1hr PT with Zaid
Weds eve - Meditation Class (OFC Wonder Woman at Safa Park with the girls)
Thurs eve - OFC Wonder Woman at Mirdif Park
Fri morning - 1hr PT with Zaid usually boxing
Sat morning - 1hr PTw with Zaid

I felt I had to write that down for myself. I usually do 4hrs with Zaid but adding up the above thats going to be 7hrs of exercise each week, 1hr every day, and thats not even including the nordic walking, walking round the malls, carrying bags from the car ... ha ha!

The difference now is I have the time, suddenly Ive got several hours a week free to fit in all this exercise, and I do kind of enjoy it - hey, its not easy, or pain free and it can be uncomfortable and frustrating and very tiring at times, but Im now doing it! Im doing more than just rocking up now. Where did all this time come from? Where has it been hiding? What did I do before ....? You know, I really cant remember, its all very hazy - perhaps its hazy due to all the nasty processed foods and sugars, carb overdoses .... and Ive just also realised I havent had many food blackouts recently, in fact I have stopped thinking about them. They are still there, but just very rare.

The only sugars Im getting this week is from natures own, and the only processing going is in in my new juicer. Love my new tool of the trade and Im very much looking forward to becoming a professional and qualified Juice Therapist. Roll on June 2012 - Universe, please keep 1 space available for me until tomorrow :) until my deposit is paid.

Im on a mission, a juicing mission, a 5kg loss s week thimission (ambitious - perhaps, achievable - absolutely), a fitness mission, Ive got a red and white polka dot bikini to wear in 7 weeks - and yes the s14 is washed and ready for the Bangkok trip. Just not sure about the loose skin (as seen on the SkyDive No 4 video and pics), thats a whole new fitness regime!

The habit Im still to work on is to ensure some of my spare awake time is shared with my sleeping time .... all this spare time, leading to more exercise is resulting in less need to sleep and feeling less tired. Im not complaining, really, I just know that my body needs more sleep and rest to repair my poor muscles on a daily basis. Ah, thats why Im doing meditation - class No 3 on Wednesday.

Its all coming together, hello 40th birthday....suddenly youre looking quite pretty, and time and age is on my side now!

If you're lost you can look
And you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you

I'll be waiting
Time after time

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