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18 October - Its taking me higher ....

Now the great news is Ive just found my feel good song I heard earlier today, very apt :


Now Im feeling even more energised and happy.  As if I need any more energy today. I need a SkyDive in Dubai when I get back - anyone joining me? Ive got a feeling they are closed til November sometime though!

I had a lovely relaxing afternoon, I did some work and connected to the internet for work emails, now I could send some work through and that was a load off my mind. Detoxed and the rest can wait til I go back next Sunday. Me and my roomie stayed in our heated beds in our heated room all afternoon. We even dank our juices here. Bloody brilliant. Now, Im not saying belly No1 and belly No 2 have parted my company yet, but when I was lying down on my back using the laptop I had serious issues trying to type - the laptop kept slipping towards my chin. What the hell was going on? Then I realised the bloating  tummy had become non-bloated and there was no belly wedge keeping the laptop in place. OMG, how marvelous. I felt good. I was already buzzing but everything just seems to be all so positive, the day just feels better and better as it progresses. The joke that they put drugs in the juices is ringing true with me today, such a huge difference to yesterday. Im absolutely loving it :).

Twice today I nearly missed the juices, but they keep them in the fridge for us. Phew. I wasnt hungry, I didnt have cravings or tummy gurgling, or any kind of pangs. In fact I felt quite happy as I was. But though it best that I drink the juices. Lunchtime we had a treat - a ginger shot too. Whoop whoop. 4pm juice was the green thick one I dont like but I drank it followed by my orange - I ate half of it, left the other 2 quarters. I still have 1.5 quarters left in the bowl. So I left some food today even on this retreat!

I decided to give the nordic walk a miss and chill fo a bit - instead I googled Leki Nordic Walking poles. Im a Nordic Nerd now, and I dont want rescuing, Im lining up myself for some serious pisstaking. Do I care? What do you think?

515pm time for bootcamp circuits, outside on the gravel again. Im loving being outdoors so much, I cant remember when I last had this much oxygen and clean fresh air so much. Obviously a very long time ago. We did warm ups which reminded us all of school. Passing a ball in a line above our heads then between our legs then a bit of both. We had 2 lines competing agsinst each other. Our line won 2 times, then we lost at double or nothing. It was such a great way to warm up and get fit, we could all have done this for the whole session. I cant recall the last time I smiled, whooped, cheered, laughed and enjoyed exercise - welll I can - all week but this was just that little bit more fun! Whoop

Then the circuits - a mix of everything again, RAF Max is so creative and fun with her exercise, every person needs to meet this lady to understand how she gets us all to do the best we can. I started off fast walking on the gravel, but I felt the urge to run. So I did. Not everytime but I had the confidence to try it on the uneven surface. I was over the moon, elated. I think I smiled through the whole session today, I was high-fiving some of my fellow juicers, laughing together, it was such a great feeling. I gushed a bit at the end to Max like a right bootcamp circuit groupie. Too funny, if only LL cold see and hear me now!

I got back to my room, bursting with energy, smiles, laughter and jokes, I did not feel like I had just completed the circuits for over an hour. I didnt feel like I had completed over 4hrs of exercise today, on 3 juices and half an orange. Anything is possible, even for people like me. Even if the week doesnt get any better, Im elated that Ive reached this peak in feeling good a feeling of proudness, healthiness, cleanliness, postiveness, clear thinkingness, energised and just happy to my core. A core that is now getting stronger and stronger, it was well on its way before I got here but now doing daily activities, Im feeling the change. I now need to do the gym 4 times a week minimum. Already decided that too today.

More fabulous soup and another great documentary - a MUST for everyone to read the website and download the movie AND WATCH IT :


Amazing the information out there that is just not so asily accesible until you attend a retreat like this. I love documentaries anyway, so this is easy viewing for me.

To summaraise today :

A revelation that this is what I can do and feel
Perhaps my first REAL endorphins (after bootcamp circuits)
916 calories walked/moved  (up to bootcamp circuits)
12.45kms walked/moved
Im obsessed with Nordic Walking already
I love Bootcamp circuits RAF Max Styleee
Im happy and content
I need to log off and sleep now (tomorrow is an easy day but still a 630am wake up, I like it)

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