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30 September - Learning overload

Work work work - Ive been in mental overload for the past week, in fact for the past few weeks. Ive been learning learning learning, and Ive reached my capacity. At the same time, my tolerance and patience levels have reached zero. Dont get me wrong, this new job/contract is the best job Ive had since arriving in the sandpit. However, Im starting to actively seek my next job role, my ideal job - living in Mauritius and looking after a region of Mauritius, Seychelles, Maldives and Thailand - throw in Malaysia or any other Asian country and Im a happy lady. Ive been networking with colleagues in the office, and these opportunities are REAL!

I think I missed the memo when I wasnt supposed to get emotionally attached to my job, but this is me, this is who I am. I try my best, I give it my all. But Im learning to let go and walk away, though 5pm is my goal for mext week.

I missed many other memos too. Let me list what I discovered this week :
  1. When stressed at work, dont sit on the sofa watching TV whilst stuffing my face with take away (most likely pizza) - instead I should head to the gym, sweat out my frustrations, anger etc. When I left the gym on Wednesday evening at 8pm, I was feeling good. I knew the old me would never have done what I had just done. I worked hard, and I liked it
  2. In planning my weekends, I try to see my friends and do nice things for them, and make sure they know Im thinking about them and love them lots. But its ok to be selfish sometimes. So I cancelled some of my planned social drop ins, catch ups and even the Shape Up Show - it wasnt priority. I wanted to do somethings for me. And I did, I went shopping and got everything and more that I needed for my RAF Bootcamp with the Juicemaster team in Turkey in 2 weeks. I took my time, I looked at everything. I also managed to see LL's family AND spent some time at the salon taking care of my nails, eyebrows and eyelashes : )
  3. I dont have to feel deprived if I dont stuff my face with whatever I WANT not what I NEED. What I needed today was something fresh and tasty. I chose not to feel stuffed, bloated and uncomfortable like a TellyTubby. I chose sorbet over nachos. I chose sparkling water over something modified and full of pretend sugars
  4. At the mall, whilst I was shopping, I was thinking about what I would eat for lunch. I thought it would be ok for 1 sandwich, I havent had one this week. Then the utter happiness and relief when I spotted a juicebar as I headed back to my car after walking the mall for a few hours. Carrot, apple and orange - regular not large. Sorted :)
  5. Walking and moving is good. I CAN make time for this in my week on days I dont go to the gym. I can walk 2.5km on my doorstep. It doesnt cost anything, and I get to try out all my new sports clothes. Or walking around a mall will do just fine instead
  6. 8 sports bras is not excessive ......................
  7. Nor is 20 new pairs of socks
  8. I can possess 4 pairs of trainers and wear them all. Blue zigazigaaaaa!
  11. Dr Scholl shoes arent that bad really - ok not all of them, but there is one deisgn that is OK - I need to get this right ankle in order and soon. I have to give in sometimes and its not always about the fashion
  12. Waking up at 7am on a Saturday morning to get to the gym for 8am to ensure I get to aqua aerobics for 930am, is better than sleeping in til noon. I WILL feel better and more awake for doing so
  13. Its ok to have an apres-gym snooze as long as I work hard at the gym early on a Friday morning
  14. Never eat a salad thats worth 1400 calories. Sorry Chili's, thats just not clever. Sumo Salad is back  on the menu
  15. You CAN dance in the car and burn calories
Ive got 6 hours til I wake up and burn more calories. We never stop learning, only when we die. Im alive and kicking so its OK to keep learning. And Im feeling gooooood. 

27 September - Resisting Temptation


I will be reading this in more detail and taking the quiz tomorrow, but looks like an interesting article and book.

I need some resistance tools. Im off to brush my teeth, nothing to do with Maltesers at all ... !

26 September - Anyone wanting a smaller waist?

As long as the smaller waist comes with a smaller butt, butt shelf, hips, belly no1, belly no2, thighs, knees, bingo wings, chin etc. Im in!


I like the principles of this article (Mr Harte obviously didint write it!). MUST get that pedometer back on my hip each day, I usually forget. Im looking forward to a return to walking sometime this week. had a great 2sn trip to the physio for my damaged right ankle, HUGE improvements already in a few days so Im excited that I will be OK for my Juicemaster retreat in just under 3 weeks - in fact its now 18 days away. I must start packing ...

Papa Meldrew has given me some feedback on my "I hate men" blog - apparently (and I say this very loosely .....) not all men are *****! He is the new man - hes been harping on about this for years, even though he has never been independent enough to drive a car, or learn to drive, though I will give him credit for his banana yellow scooter in the 70s ; ). Enough said on that before I get told off ....
So, apparently there are single men who DO have responsibility. Now the question I have is, do THEY spend hours in the gym or out of the domestic diva role trying to get fit, and hand the bubbas over to a babysitter or do they also sacrafice themselves for their childrens needs, health and welfare before their own health and fitness? Im putting cash on the latter. I knew Id make my millions at some point this year! 

On the new man point, yes Papa Meldrew DOES do most of the cooking in our family home, and he is a great cook, though very messy at the same time. Perhaps a bigger dishwasher is required next time. Papa's food is also fab, though sometimes the experiements are a little risky. I do miss Christmas Day feasts, and his many fabulous Sunday dinners. But my most fond memory is from my childhood - waking up on a Saturday morning to the smell of spices cooking in the oil as he prepares that nights curry. In our family, we all love curries, especially with tons of coriander - his lemon and coriander chicken is divine! All of his food is. And he made his own beer back then too. My big sis and I regularly sampled it as it developed through the weeks and months - well who would hide the barrel under the stairs where we played hide and seek for goodness sake!

So now Papa Meldrew, I challenge you to a low fat, low carb, high protein curry for my next trip home. Then I can add it to my blog. I will sit in your kitchen feedling you red wine as I write down the recipe. Im thinking something along the lines of your lemon and coriander chicken.....

In the meantime, I will be sticking to some baby steps, and working on being the new woman. Im busy, not retired without a hobby like Papa Meldrew. Though he is soon to be promoted to Papa Professor - enjoy being challenged by those lovely students! Congrats Papa xx

19 September - Men!! dont get me started ....!


Ok, so I agree in PRINCIPLE with this "Phil Harte" (we certainly wont be bumping into each other OR ever become friends, and I speak for many Im sure ...), however, Id like to hear what a male single parent has to say! Him and Darren King seem to forget that as men, they have more freedom to do what they like (yes we stilll live in the dark ages ladies, even moreso in Dubai, but dont get me started on the western guys that hit Dubai and become testosterone fuelled chauvinistic a##es!). Mr Harte may possibly be on of them ...Men dont have the same responsibilities as women, I have a friend whose husband is great, however he can still up and leave whenever he wants or needs - she cant, she is many things but mostly a feeding machine!

I digress ...

So, back to my point. I have no excuses really - I dont have children (one day maybe but when I mature!), I have 4 cats (they are self sufficient and independent), I do work (and my career has come first all my working life, however is changing with my fab new company, not perfect but a work life balance is do-able), and I do spend a lot of my time for my friends, something I dont regret. On the up side, I am making more time for me, and more time for exercise. In fact my new weekly schedule is shaping up nicely - Mon walking with work mates from 2 wks time, Tues eve gym, Weds eve tap dancing from this week, Thurs yoga from next week (got a dinner this week errrrm.....), Fri am gym, Sat am aqua aerobics (if I can get in!) and gym, and Im trying to see where I can fit in a pilates class and a Zumba class once the ankle improves further.

I digress again ...

I DO know friends and women who are not only individuals, but also a wife, a mother (several children though one is a full time, tiring and thankless task sometimes), have a career, do all the shopping, pay all the bills, cook and clean, make cakes (whats with all the banana cakes, got to love them...) and god forbid they try and find some time for themselves for training and getting fit. These men need to get a grip on the real world, and in my very personal opinion, have not done themselves any favours in the popularity stakes!

Phil Harte, I think youre pathetic and youve got a lot to learn about motivating people ...... !

In the meantime, Im avoiding as many brunches, lunches, all inclusive dinners as much as I can, but there are occassions they cant be avoided. Im still learning how to enjoy them yet not over eat - I try to avoid the carbs - and that includes my beloved bread basket! I try to eat more salads and veggies, and having olive oil and balsamic instead of those salad dressings, I focus on the protein (fish and chicken mostly but occassional beef) and drink lots of water. Im currently off the alcohol, though I will make one exception before my weeks retreat in Turkey, even when I return Ive committed nyself to staying off for a further 10 days. In November, if I wish or the occassion requires it, I may indulge in a glass of bubbly or 3 (best low carb beverage though XXXX Summer bright beer is also low carbs ...).

Thats me vented for the today, Im off to google Mr Harte so I can cross the street when I see him ...... ; )

To finish, this is my fave brunch location - Al Qasr Hotel - but only when the weather is cooler!

13 September - OMG a 7500 calorie breakfast!!


Thats just ridiculous!
Hope they had a Dr on standby with a stomach pump!!!!
Not recommended for low card or low fat or calorie counting .. or ANY diet.
Come on Corby, thats nothing to be proud of .......

12 September - Goyastro?

Im taurus, thats about right! Maybe I can sleep like that ......., no?

12 September - My new BFF and I love you : )


I cannot explain enough about how this online tool has helped me during the last week or so. My reluctance, laziness or whatever it is, to complete my manual daily food diaries for my psychologist sessions spurned me to complete an online form. That didnt work either. I even tried mytrainerbob.com for a few days, but it wasnt quite hitting the spot. Bobs does have a page to update daily about how Im feeling etc, which my new BFF doesnt have, but hey, nothing is perfect.

I now enjoy completing the food diaries, and its great to see the exercise hours starting to collate - I can even run and view visual graphs and charts as well as seeing the stats, I can print daily reports, I can complete assessments, I can update my weight. And theres something in itself. I cant remember the last time I weighed myself. The scales are out of sight, out of mind. I THINK I may have weighed myself before or after the trip to Mauritius but Im not sure (maybe I should read my own blog to check and see if I did!). The website, my new "pal" (is also in fact a very scottish term for friend ....) has distracted me from the weighing scales, from the takeaway orders, from MOST temptations in general.

The BEST thing about my new BFF is that I can add many items from lots of places, Costa Coffee being my biggest weakness, as its only a few mins from my office, and I havent been planning properly or getting organised - I am in my mind, just not practically and only sporadically. Its so interesting and educational to see the calories get added, letting the system to the adding bit (Im not in Finance for a reason ...). I had a bad day where I had 2 coffees (caffeine) and a kit kat - thats all I could eat as I had a reaction to the caffeine, felt sick and palpitations. I didnt meet my 1200 calories per day (tell me something I didnt know) but on this day and other days it tells me off when I dont eat enough - now thats amusing!

At the end of each day, when all the food and drinks have been entered, i close the food intake for the day and my BFF tells me what weight I would be in 5 weeks if every day was like that day - the coffee and kit kat would mean a 6kg loss, and I did consider it ...... Then I recalled the nice compliments Ive been give over the last week, my skin is glowing, I look healthy etc. Im pleased about that as I know Ive made some progress, not necessarily weight loss, but then again I dont know as Ive not been on the scales! Progress, Im feeling pleased as punch.

Im dealing with one goal at a time on a day to day basis but in my head Im dealing with around 145,012! My new BFF helps me channel some of those goals and thoughts. Thanks, I love you myfitnesspal, this is a long term friendship : )

11 September - Some useful tips

Some good tips, I just need to do them ....

And one for me to study - I need smore sleep!

And here is where I do my aqua aerobics - Jackie is the mad lady who does one of the evening sessins in the week!

11 September - Dont do it .....


I cant believe I used to eat this "Stuff". Dirrrrrrrty food (food in a very loose term)



10 September - Make mine a double

Dont worry. Its not a double choccy muffin, nor is a a double breakfast muffin with hash brown from McDs (more on that laters ...). No, its double exercise (2 hours) scheduled for my Saturday morning. 1hr at aqua aerobics, I have returned yay ... and another 1hr training at the gym. Lovely jubbly!

I did struggle again to get up and wake up, but I knew as soon as I got in that pool I wold wake up. I packed my bags, 3 bottles of water, 1 zero vitamin water, 1 apple, I was ready. I met my gorgeous mate, MsAh at the pool. The sun was shining, the sea was on the other side of the pool, the sky was blue, the birds were flying above us, the day was warm but nice, we were on time. As soon as I got in the pool I woke up. I was alive and kicking.

And kicking we did in that water. It seems easy for me, maybe I didnt push myself too much today as this was a test to see again if the ankle held out. It did, I was proud of it, though I will still take care for a while yet. We giggled, we chatted to new people, we giggled some more, in between the kicking, punching, squatting, lunging etc. And the music blasted and I sang along - Funky Town was a track I used to do aerobics to when I was 15-16yrs old, the only time I recall being slim or even skinny. I MUST find that picture of me when I was 16 at my dads wedding, I hid under a blazer and a long skirt and underneath I had on a fitted red top, and I dont recall taking the jacket off much. I must also try and get dads photos out of that day too. I still thought I was fat even though I had more or less stopped eating anything of any calorific content and went to aerobics more often than I care to recall. AND it was 2 bus journeys from home there and back .... where was my pedometer when I needed it.

I loved being back in the water, in the sun, with my mate. Exercising is so much easier and much fun with a friends around. We are returning next week together. I will be making this a weekly appointment. Then a quick change - my god, those sports bras are hard enough to get on as it is, add some moisture and its a whole new exercise session in itself. 2 attempts and 10mins later it was on. if only my arms weren't sore from yesterday I may have been able to get it on in 1 attempt and 5 mins!

2nd day in the gym - cardio and lower body. 15 mins on the bike and 10 mins on the cross trainer. heavy breathing and a lot of sweating later, I moved onto the leg weight thingies. Good to see I can still move my right leg. OK maybe after 10 reps I struggle, it hurt at 12 reps, struggled to get to 15. I kept going, 10kgs on the weak right leg and 15kgs on the left leg. I will get both balanced soon. Im going to keep at it. There was only exercise I couldnt do. More time on the abs machine, increased from 20 to 25 then onto 30kgs. My back and core need lots of work but this appears to the be the strongest part of my return. Shame the arms and legs cant match this. Next week ....

I was chuffed to have completed 2hrs today and 1hr yesterday - 3hrs in one weekend, I can deal with that. So thats the new weekend routine - Friday morning training in the gym, Sat mornings aqua aerobics and training in the gym again. Ive also booked a session in the week, considering another aqua aerobics mid week also. Ive got less than 5 weeks til my Jason Vale Juicemaster RAF Bootcamp retreat and I need to be fitter with more stamina than I am today.

And the new meal plans have appeared and I need to schedule cooking time and prep into my evenings to ensure I stick to it. Im focused and long may this remain too!

PS Getting fitter and healthier can be hazardous. Not to mention the potential sports injuries, and pains and strains that will occur, Ive discovered today that making salads is just as dangerous. I chopped a chunk out of my left thumb as I made my lunch (a lovely spinach, red pepper and cucumber salad with chili olive oil, balsamic vinegar and black onion seeds with some grilled chicken), and now its a strange shape. It took ages to stop bleeding (pressure with a tight plaster helped, now its "drying" out!) and now its just painful. be careful with those knives, that kitchen is a hazard. Dont say I didnt warn you  : )

9 September - Lets give it a go

Friday morning and my alarm was set - OMG! I really wanted a lie in especially since I didnt get to be til 1.30am this morning. Oh no its OK, Im going to the gym to see if my ankle can hold out long enough for me to burn a few calories. First time for the trainers since I cracked my ankle.

9.20am, not too early, seems quite civilised though still feeling a bit sleep. Im early for my 9.30am session, so off I hop onto the cross trainer, I can jump off just as fast if my ankle starts to hurt. Nope, we're doing OK, set at level 10 for 5 mins. OK, time to now try the bike. 15 mins later at a low level of 5 (or was it 4?) and Im ready to work on some upper body.

Oh, how I laughed! I thought I had been good used my 2kg weights at home, popping on the TRX for some arm exercises and stretches. Nope, that was nothing like using the weight machines for upper body in the gym. I struggled through the warm up round, I struggled even more when the weights were increased for the 2nd round, reps were lowered, I huffed and puffed and laughed some more. The pain in my useless upper body really made me giggle, it wasnt the first time, I suppose its better than growling, screaming or crying. I suppose! The weights were lowered back to the warm up level during the 2nd round, 3rd round I was ridiculously weak, and I had some help to finish the reps. OMG I need to get back into this gym lark faster and more intensive than I thought.

Then I was back on the abs one, I do like this one as this one showed me how much strength I have maintained in my core, hobbling on one leg must do something in this area!

I was pleased with myself and my ankle didnt bother me. After I removed my wrap around ankle strap when I got home and showered, I noticed the swelling had improved even more. There are barely any signs of bruising any more, though Im still scared I might twist it again.

Thankfully and hopefully the crack WAS the foot clicking back into place, as Im now walking straighter and better than I was before, even with the injury and pain. The pain is reducing every day and now its more painful to touch (definitely no squeezing) than to walk on. There is hope yet that I can get into morning walks, now that my new job starts around 9amish! That would be good to use my pedometer properly (I eventually took it out of my bag and out of its wrapper Thursday last week, that would be a good start). Interestingly, it doesnt record steps, but kms walked, calories, active walking level and something else....

Anyways, Im a happy bunny, Im back. When I had my choices taken away and I was stuck at home, or resorting to people picking me up to go somewhere, I hated it. I staled my trainer until he HAD to reply - sms, emails, facebook, I was about to start calling him one evening last week but it was late. I just HAD to get moving. Again. I feel Ive missed 6 months of time, my goals need to be realigned. My end goal remains the same. Ive got til May 2012. Im getting there. Mentally, Ive made more progress in recent weeks than I ever thought possible. Long may it continue.

On a final note - This evening I went for dinner with friends; instead of ordering pizza or pasta, I decided on a nice chicken and goats cheese salad. Upon ordering, the waitress replied "So you are on a diet?". I then ordered a bowl of fries just to confuse her. I only ate half of them (or less than), I wasnt counting, but people eat salads for enjoyment not just because they are on a diet. Im lucky, I actually like salads! Cheeky mare of a waitress!!